Los Complementos Directos Direct Object Pronouns
El complemento directo A direct object pronoun tells who or what receives the action of the verb. What is the subject and the direct object of the following sentence in English? I want that dress.
To avoid repeating a direct object noun we often replace it with a direct object pronoun (“it, him, her, or them) I want that dress. = I want _______. Quiero ese vestido. = Yo _____ quiero.
The DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN tells who or what receives the action of the verb me nosus teyouosyou (plural) lo la him/it/you (Ud.) her/it/you (Ud.) los las them/you (Uds.)
The direct object pronoun comes right before the conjugated verb. Quiero comer la hamburguesa. La quiero comer. It is placed between NO and the verb when the sentence is negative. No quiero comer la hamburguesa. No la quiero comer.
The direct object pronoun can also be hooked on to the infinitive verb. Quiero comer la hamburguesa. Quiero comerla. NEVER separate the verbs with a pronoun. Quiero la comer. NEVER use the pronoun twice in the sentence. La quiero comerla.
Translate the following sentences. Then underline the direct object. 1. My brother-in-law served the turkey. Mi cuñado sirvió el pavo. 2. My niece is going to eat the cake. Mi sobrina va a comer el pastel. 3. I like to celebrate birthdays. Me gusta celebrar los cumpleaños.
1.Mi cuñado sirvió el pavo. Mi cuñado lo sirvió. 2.Mi sobrina va a comer el pastel. Mi sobrina lo va a comer. Mi sobrina va a comerlo. 3.Me gusta celebrar los cumpleaños. Me gusta celebrarlos. Now replace the direct object with the appropriate pronoun.