A Very Quick Update on Research in Amputees
Process Search of AMED, Medline, EMBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of SR, Cochrane Database of Abstracts of Reviews and Effects Entries entries
Process Cochrane Reviews 4 (3 complete, 1 protocol)
Cochrane Reviews At its core is the collection of Cochrane Reviews, a database of systematic reviews and meta-analyses which summarise and interpret the results of medical research. The Cochrane Library aims to make the results of well-conducted controlled trials readily available and is a key resource in evidence-based medicine.
Pharmacological interventions for treating phantom limb pain (2009)
Phantom Pain Do pharmacological agents given post operatively when phantom pain occurs provide : Short term pain relief Improved sleep Changes in sleep Changes in function Changes in QOL
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for phantom pain and stump pain following amputation in adults (2010)
TENS for Phantom and Stump Pain Criteria All RCT’s Adults with phantom limb or stump pain TENS vs comparison group (ie no Rx, sham, a pharmacological intervention, a non-pharmacological intervention)
TENS for Phantom and Stump Pain Outcome measures Primary (Pain validated scale – VAS, NRS) Secondary (lots)
TENS for Phantom and Stump Pain 72 published studies initially identified 14 considered relevant Nil meet criteria
TENS for Phantom and Stump Pain Insufficient evidence for practice 10 of the 14 studies reported benefits from using TENS 1 reported no benefit 2 were inconclusive 1 did not provide sufficient information
Prosthetic rehabilitation for older dysvascular people following a unilateral transfemoral review (2009)
Prosthetic Training To summarise the evidence evaluating prosthetic rehabilitation interventions post TFA in older dysvascular patients Criteria RCT’s Male or female over 60 years old Living in the community or in institutional care Dysvascular A TFA or through knee amputation and provided a prosthesis for mobilising
Prosthetic Training Interventions Education on Don/doff Education on skin care Therapeutic interventions Balance and mobility training Functional training General advice
Prosthetic Training Primary measure User satisfaction Level of function Amputee specific functional tests Secondary measures General quality of life measures
Prosthetic Training 38 published studies initially identified 5 considered relevant 1 suitable for inclusion
Prosthetic Training Prosthetic weight effect on gait speed and preference
Prescription of prosthetic ankle-foot mechanisms after lower limb amputation (2009)
Ankle-foot prescription To establish precise criteria for the prescription of prosthetic ankle-foot mechanisms in individuals with lower limb amputations Criteria RCT’s and Quasi RCT’s Comparing different types of feet
Ankle-foot mechanisms Outcomes Subjective findings Energy expenditure Stride characteristics Kinetic and kinematic parameters
Ankle-foot Prescription 348 references initially identified 37 studies considered relevant 26 suitable for inclusion
Ankle-foot Prescription Insufficient evidence from high quality comparative studies for the overall superiority of any type of prosthetic foot ankle mechanism
Take Home message A lack of high quality comparative studies Lack of randomisation Poor description of procedures