LHC Inject or Upgra de SPS 200 MHz SPS 800 MHz RF Power upgrade Progress report April 2014 Eric Montesinos LIU-SPS meeting, 30 April 2014
LHC Inject or Upgra de SPS 200 MHz Existing Amplifiers upgrade New RF Amplifiers New RF Building LSS3 Tunnel integration Eric Montesinos LIU-SPS meeting, 30 April
LHC Inject or Upgra de Existing amplifiers upgrade Siemens plant HV AC capacitors for RS2004 trolleys being purchased New prototype RS2004 trolley under evaluation If validated, 5 additional trolleys Maintenance being completed Philips plant Maintenance being completed Eric Montesinos LIU-SPS meeting, 30 April Siemens Philips
LHC Inject or Upgra de New RF Amplifiers Drivers IT completed TTI Norte, Spanish company has been awarded the contract A first pre-series batch of 12 x 1.25 kW units will be built and evaluated Finals Technical Specification Under completion Opened to all technologies All inclusive with options (controls) Maximum ratings increased Eric Montesinos LIU-SPS meeting, 30 April
LHC Inject or Upgra de New BAF3 RF building Construction work has started Trees cut CV piping upgrade done Road under construction Building foundations ongoing Options Mezzanine validated GT10 hoppers modified (bigger in case we need to install 4 x 350 mm transmission lines) Eric Montesinos LIU-SPS meeting, 30 April
LHC Inject or Upgra de LSS3 Tunnel Integration Cleaning cables campaign completed HBWD integration ongoing Feedthroughs ordered Vacuum flanges provided by TE- VSC Body under fabrication Electrodes slightly modified Supporting & alignment system are ok Installation in August (if project validated and all items delivered on time and tested) Eric Montesinos LIU-SPS meeting, 30 April
LHC Inject or Upgra de Involved people Dep-GroupPersons BE-RF Eric Montesinos, Charles Julie, SPS power team, Elena Chapochnikova, Thomas Bohl, Wolfgang Höfle, Philippe Baudrenghien, Urs Wehrle BE-ABPGhislain Roy, Patrick Bestmann, Yannis Papaphilippou BE-ASRMarc Tavlet, Christelle Gaignant, Axelle Deleu BE-BIChristian Boccard, Patrick Odier DGS-SEEGuillaume Fontana, Cécile Pinto DGS-RPNadine Conan, Christophe Tromel EN-CVMauro Nonis, Michele Battistin, Alexandre Broche, Aurelio Berjillos Barranco EN-EL François Duval, Guillaume Gros, Christophe Crombez, Jean-Pierre Sferruzza, Denis Ribiollet EN-HE Caterina Bertone, Pascal Brunero, Serge Pelletier, Yann Seraphin, Patrick Vallet, Gilles Roche, Helder Lorenco EN-MEFFrédéric Galleazzi, Yvon Muttoni, David McFarlane, Antoine Kosmicki, Yannick Beraud GS-ASENino Rama GS-SELuz-Anastasia Lopez-Hernandez, Laurent Faisandel, Christophe Biot TE-EPCGilles LeGodec, Christophe Coupat TE-MSCJérémie Bauche TE-VSCPaolo Chiggiato, Antonio Mongelluzzo, Jose Antonio Ferreira Samoza Eric Montesinos LIU-SPS meeting, 30 April
LHC Inject or Upgra de SPS 800 MHz power All eight individual IOT transmitters validated First line has been tested up to equivalent of 200 kW at the cavity input (4 x 60 kW + low pass filters losses + combiners losses + circulator losses + WG losses) As soon as water will be back in the SPS, we will restart the cavities with their new controllers (debugging) Eric Montesinos LIU-SPS meeting, 30 April Cavity #2 Load Short Cavity #1 Load Short End 2014
LHC Inject or Upgra de SPS 800 MHz power Very bad news from Electrosys regarding circulator, the second one has even not been ordered (not informing us) We will move the circulator to process the second cavity and operated the first one with fast reflected power measurements to protect the tubes We are in the process of buying the missing circulators (will be long) Eric Montesinos LIU-SPS meeting, 30 April Cavity #2 Load Short Cavity #1 Load Short End 2014
Thank you for your attention