Institutionalism Unlawfully delegating the work of a congregation to an organization, corporation, or another church.
Broad History Reformation: 16 th -18 th centuries missionary society created
Broad History Reformation: 16 th -18 th centuries Restoration: 18 th -19 th centuries Disciples of Christ 1849, Alexander Campbell, first missionary society other institutions: benevolence, etc. 2,600 congregations left by 1906
Broad History Reformation: 16 th -18 th centuries Restoration: 18 th -19 th centuries Disciples of Christ Church of Christ 1907, 6,000 congregations USA 1909, 1 st institution supported 1933, Brewer began movement 1930’s-70’s institutionalism pushed, brethren split
What’s The Issue? Are churches authorized to donate funds to an institution, delegating the church’s work? Local Churches Institution Work Churches unlawfully delegate, set aside God’s law!
Problem: Desire To Be Popular David Lipscomb, 1907 increased in number and wealth desired to be popular denominational show Many churches of Christ have departed to become popular, like denominations Humility required 1 Pet. 5:5-6 Mk. 7:6-9
Tactics By Sinful Brethren G.C. Brewer, began in 1933 Budget System (1935) appealed to emotions, not Bible 3 step plan to convince brethren budget system Scriptural right to have Christian colleges and orphan homes right to contribute to institution
Tactics By Sinful Brethren G.C. Brewer, 1933 Gospel Advocate appealed to emotions, not Bible 3 step plan to convince brethren his observations members would readily accept elders were the problem
Tactics By Sinful Brethren G.C. Brewer, 1933 Gospel Advocate appealed to emotions, not Bible 3 step plan to convince brethren his observations budget system all responsibility on elders members not accountable
Tactics By Sinful Brethren G.C. Brewer, 1933 Gospel Advocate appealed to emotions, not Bible 3 step plan to convince brethren his observations budget system Bible warns of these tactics 2 Pet. 2:1-2
Sponsoring Church Local Churches Institution: Sponsoring Church Work Churches unlawfully delegate, set aside God’s law!
Herald Of Truth Local Churches Institution: Highland Church of Christ Herald Of Truth Churches unlawfully delegate, set aside God’s law!
Warning: History Repeats Itself A.B. Barrett, founder of Abilene Christian College (1930) church movements should be kept under the local congregation history repeats itself men of worldly ambition crept in Institutionalism, repeated over and over Our desire: be a faithful congregation
Institutionalism Unlawfully delegating and abrogating the work of a congregation to an organization, corporation, or another church.