National Electrical Code 2008 LANES NOTES
National Electrical Code 2004 ARTICLE 100 - Definitions
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions 1. General Wiring components are considered ACCESSIBLE when: Access can be gained without damaging the structure of the building They are not permanently closed in by the structure or finish of the building = Conductors in junction boxes behind luminaries [lighting fixtures] are considered accessible if, by removing the luminaire (fixture), access to the conductors is available. = Conductors connected to switches and receptacles are accessible by removing the cover-plate and device. = Receptacles, behind furniture, are accessible because the furniture can be moved.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Accessible (As applied to Equipment) = Accessible equipment is equipment not guarded by locked doors, elevators, or other effective means (ARTICLE 100) = Overcurrent devices do not have to be readily accessible, if located adjacent to the equipment, where access is achieved by the use of portable means [ladder] (ARTICLE 240.24(A)(4)
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Accessible, Readily (Readily Accessible) Readily accessible means capable of being reached quickly (for operation, removal, or inspections) without having to climb over or remove obstacles, or resort to portable ladders, etc. (ARTICLE 100) = The service disconnecting means must be readily accessible, it may be located either outside or inside, near the entry point of the service conductors. (ARTICLE 230.70(A)(1)
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Accessible – Readily accessibility to wiring in luminaries (lighting fixtures) is not required. In most cases access can be gained through the use of a ladder, scaffolding, etc. Conductors within junction boxes of recessed luminaries (fixtures) can be accessed by removing part of the luminaire (fixture), such as, trim, lamp, internal shell, etc.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Appliance – Utilization equipment, generally other than industrial, that is normally built in standardized sizes or type and is installed or connected as a unit to perform one or more functions such as clothes washing, air conditioning (remote), food mixing, deep frying, and so forth. (ARTICLE 100)
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Not Readily Accessible A receptacle installed in a ceiling, for a garage door opener, is not readily accessible. While receptacles installed in garages normally require ground-fault-interrupter (GFCI) protection, receptacles that are (not readily accessible) do not. ARTICLE 210.8(A)(2) Exception No. 1
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Attachment Plug (Plug Cap) (Plug) An attachment plug is a device that, when inserted into a receptacle, establishes connection between the conductors of the attached flexible cord and the conductors permanently connected to the receptacle. ARTICLE 100
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Bonding Connected to establish electrical continuity and conductivity between metal parts required to be electrically connected.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Bonding Jumper, Main. The connection between the grounded circuit conductor and the equipment grounding conductor at the service.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Bonding Jumper, Equipment The connection between two or more portions of the equipment grounding conductor. LANES NOTES
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Branch Circuit. The circuit conductors between the final overcurrent device protecting the circuit and the outlet(s). Such as the last fuse or circuit breaker. Branch circuits are divided into four categories: Appliance General Purpose Individual Multiwire
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Branch Circuit, Appliance. A branch circuit that supplies energy to one or more outlets to which appliances are to be connected and that has no permanently connected luminaries that are not a part of an appliance.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Branch – Circuit, General Purpose A general purpose branch – circuit supplies two or more receptacles or outlets for lighting and appliances. This material was extracted from Mike Holt Training Materials copyright 2007 by permission. Visit or call 1.888.NEC.CODE (632-2633) for more information.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Branch Circuit, Individual An individual branch – circuit supplies only one piece of utilization equipment
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Branch Circuits – Multiwire A branch circuit that consists of two or more ungrounded conductors that have a voltage between them, and a grounded conductor that has equal voltage between it and each ungrounded conductor of the circuit and that is connected to the neutral or grounded conductor of the system.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Branch Circuits – Multiwire A duplex receptacle, with two circuits and one neutral on the same yoke, is also considered a multiwire circuit. Two circuits connected to one duplex receptacles in dwelling units, must have a means to simultaneously disconnect all ungrounded (hot) conductors [see article 210.4(b) This is accomplished through the use of either one double pole breaker or two single pole breakers with approved tie handles. This material was extracted from Mike Holt Training Materials copyright 2007 by permission. Visit or call 1.888.NEC.CODE (632-2633) for more information.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Branch Circuits – Multiwire As long as both circuits are not connected to the same receptacle, the two circuits can be thought of as separate circuits. [see article 210.4(a) and (b). The means of disconnect can be two single – pole breakers.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Branch Circuits – Multiwire In multiwire circuits, the continuity of a grounded conductor shall not be dependent upon the device [see article 300.13(b) If breaking the grounded conductor at the receptacle breaks the circuit down the line, then the grounded conductors must not be connected to the receptacle. Simply splice the grounded conductors and install a jumper wire to the receptacle.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Conduit Body (Condulet) A separate portion of a conduit or tubing system that provides access through a removable cover(s) to the interior of the system at a junction of two or more sections of the system or at a terminal point of the system.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Conduit Body (cont.’d) Boxes such as FS and FD or larger cast or sheet metal boxes are not classified as conduit bodies. A single conduit is not permitted as sole support for an FS – type or weatherproof junction box [see article 370.23(e)
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Continuous Load A load where the maximum current is expected to continue for 3 hours or more. Office lighting is a good example of a continuous load
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Device A unit of an electrical system, which carries but does not utilize electrical energy is know as a device. This material was extracted from Mike Holt Training Materials copyright 2007 by permission. Visit or call 1.888.NEC.CODE (632-2633) for more information.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Enclosed Surrounded by a case, housing, fence, or wall(s) that prevents persons from accidentally contacting energized parts.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Enclosure The case or housing of apparatus, or the fence or walls surrounding an installation to prevent personnel from accidentally contacting energized parts or to protect the equipment from physical damage. [see Table 110.20 for examples of enclosure types.] This material was extracted from Mike Holt Training Materials copyright 2007 by permission. Visit or call 1.888.NEC.CODE (632-2633) for more information.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Equipment A general term, including material, fittings, devices, appliances, luminaires, apparatus, and the like used as a part of, or in connection with, an electrical installation. Devices Apparatus Appliances Luminaries Fittings
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Feeder All circuit conductors between the service equipment, the source of a separately derived system, or other power supply source and the final branch-circuit overcurrent device.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Festoon Lighting Festoon lighting is a string of outdoor lights suspended between two points. B - Overhead conductors for festoon lighting shall not be smaller than 12 AWG unless supported by messenger wire [see article 225.6(b) C – Messenger wire, together with strain insulators, is used to support conductors in all spans exceeding 40 feet in length. Conductors shall not be attached to any fire escape, downspout, or plumbing equipment.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Grounded Conductor A conductor used to connect equipment or the grounded circuit of a wiring system to a grounding electrode or electrodes. This material was extracted from Mike Holt Training Materials copyright 2008 by permission. Visit or call 1.888.NEC.CODE (632-2633) for more information.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Grounding Electrode Conductor and Equipment Grounding Conductor A – Main Service equipment B – Grounding Conductor – noncurrent carrying metal parts of equipment, raceways, etc., to the system grounded conductor, the grounding electrode conductor (or both) at the service equipment (or source of a separately derived system) is called an equipment grounding conductor
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions A – Main Service Equipment B - Non – current carrying grounding conductor E – Bonding Jumper F – Grounding Electrode conductor C – System grounded (neutral) conductor D – Bonding Jumpers G – Grounding Electrode
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Guarded Guarded is defined as covered, shielded, fenced, enclosed, or otherwise protected by means of suitable covers, mats or platforms effectively removing the likelihood of approach or contact by persons objects.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions In Sight From (Within Sight From, Within Sight). Where this Code specifies that one equipment shall be "in sight from," "within sight from," or "within sight of," and so forth, another equipment, the specified equipment is to be visible and not more than 15 m (50 ft) distant from the other.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Lighting Outlet An outlet intended for the direct connection of a lamp holder or luminaire. Photo courtesy of Arlington Industries
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Location, Damp Locations protected from weather and not subject to saturation with water or other liquids but subject to moderate degrees of moisture. Examples of such locations include partially protected locations under canopies, marquees, roofed' open porches, and like locations, and interior locations subject to moderate degrees of moisture, such· as. some basements, some barns, and some cold - storage warehouses. .
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Location Dry Location Wet A location not normally subject to dampness or wetness. A location classified as dry may be temporarily subject to dampness or wetness, as in the case of a building under construction. Location Wet Installations underground or in concrete slabs or masonry in direct contact with the earth; in locations subject to saturation with water or other liquids, such as vehicle washing areas; and in unprotected locations exposed to weather.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Multioutlet Assembly A type of surface, flush, or freestanding raceway designed to hold conductors and receptacles, assembled in the field or at the factory. Photo courtesy of Arlington Industries
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Outlet A point on the wiring system at which current is taken to supply utilization equipment.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Plenum The space above a suspended ceiling used for environmental air – handling purposes is an example of other spaces used for environmental air as described in (article) 300.22(c)
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Receptacle A - A contact device installed at an outlet for the connection of an attachment plug is a receptacle B - A single receptacle is a single contact device with no other contact device on the same yoke. C – A multiple receptacle is a single device consisting of two or more receptacles.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Separately Derived System. A premises wiring system whose power is derived from a source of electric energy or equipment other than a service. Such systems have no direct electrical connection, including a solidly connected grounded circuit conductor, to supply conductors originating in another system. When the power source is derived from A battery Solar photovoltaic system [solar cells] Generator Transformer or converter windings
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Service The conductors and equipment for delivering electric energy from the serving utility to the wiring system of the premises served. This material was extracted from Mike Holt Training Materials copyright 2008 by permission. Visit or call 1.888.NEC.CODE (632-2633) for more information.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Service Conductors The conductors from the service point to the service disconnecting means.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Service Drop The overhead conductors from the last pole (or other aerial support), including splices (if any) to the service – entrance conductors at the building (or other structure) are the service drop.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Service Equipment. The necessary equipment, usually consisting of a circuit breaker(s) or switch(es) and fuses) and their accessories, connected to the load end of service conductors to a building or other structure, or an otherwise designated area, and intended to constitute the main control and cutoff of the supply.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Service Lateral The underground service conductors between the street main, including any risers at a pole or other structure or from transformers, and the first point of connection to the service-entrance conductors in a terminal box or meter or other enclosure, inside or outside the building wall. Where there is no terminal box, meter, or other enclosure, the point of connection is considered to be the point of entrance of the service conductors into the building.
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Service Lateral
ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Service Point The point of connection between the facilities of the serving utility and the premises wiring.