By Joey Galeziewski
Almost 10% of the U.S. National Healthcare costs go towards treating the effects of obesity and is on the rise. Over 30% of the population is “overweight”. (Colditz) Second most overweight country right behind Mexico. Bad food Fast food is cheaper and saves time Sedentary life styles More jobs have become desk jobs with low amounts of physical activities.
Physical health issues (Strauss) Orthopedic. Neurological. Pulmonary. Gastroenterological. Endocrine Mental health issues (Strauss) Low self-esteem Depression
1.If you can afford it, use your buying power. Companies notice what people are buying, and if more people buy healthier foods, they will try to make those more readily available which will make them cheaper. 2.Currently the government “Subsidizes overproduction of fat and sugar compared with micronutrient-rich foods”( Rayner). Send a letter to your senator and governor to try and get more subsidies for healthier foods. 3.If you know an overweight person who wants to lose weight, help them! Things are always easier with someone else.
Fat acceptance is a trend where people say that it is okay to be obese so long as you love yourself. If you love yourself, you would take care of yourself and be healthy. This is a terrible movement and I think Cathy Young puts it perfectly: “Of course obese people should not be bullied; but neither should they be encouraged in the delusion that they are just fine.” We as a society must make it unacceptable to be obese, much as we have done with smoking.
Obesity is a major cause of expenses that can be avoided that is affecting more than just adults, but children as well. There are several things that the government can do to help alleviate the problem, but social standards must also be raised in order for the country as a whole to live a better and more productive life style.
Colditz, Graham A. "Economic costs of obesity and inactivity." Medicine and science in sports and exercise Suppl (1999): S Lang, Tim, and Geoff Rayner. "Overcoming policy cacophony on obesity: an ecological public health framework for policymakers." Obesity reviews 8.s1 (2007): Must, Aviva, and Richard S. Strauss. "Risks and consequences of childhood and adolescent obesity." International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders: journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity 23 (1999): S2-11. Young, Cathy. "Fat Acceptance Is Hazardous to US Health - The Boston Globe." N.p., 30 Dec Web. 20 Feb