High Stakes Tests -Lorrie Shepard, UC-Boulder Discussion by: Trudy Samuelson Rhonda Martin Leland Jacobs Dani Ladwig
Research Findings High-stakes testing leads to… “Test score inflation” “Curriculum distortion” Negative effects of working to look good or to do well on the test instead of working to understand and master the material.
Recommendations for Policy Makers Preserve the integrity of national tests Evaluate and verify the validity of gains Scientifically evaluate the consequences of accountability and incentive systems Recognize and abide by professional standards
Recommendations for Educators No special teaching to the test Do teach to the content standards Alternative evidence of achievement should be shared
Discussion Questions Have you seen any evidence of political pressure that could lead to test score inflation and curriculum distortion? Have you seen any evidence of test score inflation and curriculum distortion? What can we do as professional educators to preserve the integrity of assessment in the current political environment?