Finding Places Using Longitude and Latitude TLW locate places using Longitude and Latitude
Recall: Grid Horizontal Lines = Latitude Vertical Lines = Longitude
40°N Latitude, 105° W Longitude Finding Places 41°N 40°N 39°N 38°N 37°N 109°W 108°W 107°W 106°W 105°W 104°W 103°W 102°W Grand Junction Delta Durango Pueblo Colorado Springs Pikes Peak Mt. Elbert Boulder Denver Find 40 ° N Latitude What city is located at this latitude? Boulder What line of Longitude is closest to this city? 105° W Latitude is always written first: How would you write the coordinates correctly for the city of Boulder? N 40°N Latitude, 105° W Longitude
Practicing Map Skills Which line of Latitude runs near Pikes Peak? Grand Junction Delta Durango Pueblo Colorado Springs Pikes Peak Mt. Elbert Boulder Denver Which line of Latitude runs near Pikes Peak? Which line of Longitude runs near Pikes Peak? Write the correct location for Pikes Peak using Longitude and Latitude What city is near 39°N Latitude, 108°W Longitude?
Answers 39°N 105°W 39° N Latitude, 105° W Longitude Delta Grand Junction Delta Durango Pueblo Colorado Springs Pikes Peak Mt. Elbert Boulder Denver What is the coordinates of the City of Durango? 37½° N Latitude, 108° W Longitude