October 19, 2008 Promoting independence and mobility Special Transit: A Community Transit Safety Story
About Special Transit Private nonprofit community transit agency in Boulder County, Colorado since 1979 Mission: Promote independence and self- sufficiency for people with limited mobility by providing caring, customer-focused transportation options
123,227 passenger trips riders 21 communities in five counties 32 vehicles 2007: Mission Service
2007: F ull Range of Community Transit Options In addition to mission service: City of Boulder fixed route (the HOP): 917,709 trips ADA paratransit (access-a-Ride): 94,788 trips Suburban general public demand-response (call-n-Ride): 274,976 trips
A Bit of History 1996 – Operator of ADA paratransit service in Boulder County area 2000 – “Emergency contract” to manage all ADA service for 8 counties Organization tripled in size in 9 days: –Employees –Vehicles –Budget Contract ended 30 months later (11/02)
Unintended Consequences Problem: Skyrocketing accident rates and insurance premiums Solution: Implementation of comprehensive safety program “Ream to the Rescue”
Safety Program Goals Safety of Drivers, Passengers, and Public Injury Prevention Reduction of Preventable Accidents Lower Insurance Premiums
Building A Solid Safety Program A multi-pronged approach, including: Driver Training and Continuing Education Driver Safety Performance Evaluation Policy Safety Suggestions Safety Committee Safety Incentives, Rewards, and Recognition
Driver Training: New Hires 120 hours of training for new drivers: Two weeks classroom training, including Defensive Driving Passenger Service and Safety Emergency Equipment and Procedures Behind-the-wheel coaching by field trainers 30-day review and feedback from trainees
Driver Training: Continuing Education Annual minimum 12 hours Continuing Education (CE) for every driver: Defensive Driving (e.g., winter driving) Passenger Service and Safety CE courses provided at driver meetings and stand-alone sessions: 37 topics at 80 sessions in 2007 30-day “grace period” to complete annual CE credits or removal from service
Driver Safety Performance Evaluation Policy A point-scale measuring system based on: Company driving record Personal Motor Vehicle Record Points Assessed on: Accidents determined to be preventable Other violations of company safety policy Sub-par performance leads to: Re-training Coaching and counseling Discipline
How do we define an accident? Any time a vehicle comes in contact with anything other than the tires touching the ground, resulting in property damage or injuries Incidents such as slips, trips, bumps, blood-borne pathogen spills, occurring inside or outside the vehicle
Safety Suggestions From the Safety Manager: Safety tips and suggestions in the company newsletter Accident status/profile boards From employees: Employee safety suggestion box Service on the Safety Committee
Meets every six weeks Revolving membership from management, maintenance, operations Focus on safety issues, primarily accident and injury prevention Members submit agenda items, suggestions and chair meetings Participation creates buy-in and ultimately a safer work environment Safety Committee
Accident Response Team Augments efforts of Safety Manager Provides for timely response over a wide geographic area Personnel trained to react/respond to safety and security-related incidents Detailed guidelines documented and distributed
Safety Incentives and Awards Safety Bingo “ “Caught In The Act” Safe Driver of the Month Safe Driver of the Year Quarterly $ afety Bonus
“Caught In The Act” Spot awards for drivers observed doing their jobs and doing them well $5 - $50 gift certificates to a variety of fun places, including restaurants and theaters
Safety Bingo Program Safety Bingo card for all employees Number drawn each day without a preventable accident Movie tickets and cash awards of $25-$200 for various winning combinations New cards issued and play starts over after Blackout
Safe Driver of the Month Award Eligibility: All drivers without a safety infraction Random selection of one driver from each service Award includes: $25 Primo parking space Photograph on display Recognition in employee newsletter
Safe Driver of the Year Award Eligibility: Drivers who have performed throughout the year without a safety violation or preventable accident Awards: Uniform patch Cash bonus Name on the Safety Honor Wall
Safety Bonus (New) Quarterly Bonus (accident-free): $50 1 st quarter $75 2 nd consecutive quarter $100 eachsubsequent consecutive quarter Annual Safe Driver of the Year Bonus: $ years perfect safety record $2005+ years
ACCOMPLISHMENTS “ “Culture of Safety” 94 Safe Drivers of the Year in 2007 (75%) 78% reduction in preventable accidents 2002—07
Increasing miles
Decreasing Accidents
Lower Insurance Costs
Special Transit’s Vision “We envision a future where all people, regardless of age, health, disability, income or ethnicity, have access to the mobility options they need to enhance their independence and quality of life.”