Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea Kayaking the Labrador Sea 12 days 312 kilometres According to Explore Magazine: Labrador is one of the top fifty adventure destinations in the World Visit www. When Planning Your Trip to Labrador
Waiting for 25 Knots Winds to Subside in Sandwich Tickle Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea Picking Baked Apples, Crowberries and Alpine Bilberries
Camping at the Wunderstrand: Bears and All Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea Bear Eating Capelin Washed Up on the Beach
Horsechops Island Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
Packs Harbour Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
Have Boat Will Travel? Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea Camping out of the Wind
Caribou Encounter Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
Memorial University: An Archeological Investigation of an Ancient Innu Settlement in Snack Cove
Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea Uncovering an Ancient Innu Shelter Snack Cove: Huntingdon Island
Eating Dinner on the Shore of Cartwright Island Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
North Cove Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea Hiking the 60 metre Slope
Retrieving Water from the Many Springs and Ponds along the Coast Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
Mullins Cove Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
Crossing Table Bay Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
Quakers Hat Island Old Boulder Beaches Common Eider Nest Boxes Climbing the Hat Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
Beach Combing for Treasures at Sand Hill Cove Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
Sea State at White Point Entering Indian Tickle
Indian Tickle: Grasses Swaying in the Breeze Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
Mistaken Point: Paddling towards Domino Point and Black Tickle Mixing of the Eastern Currents of the Labrador Sea: A Treacherous Place at the Best of Times Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
Black Tickle, Labrador Island of Ponds Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
Salter Island: Seeking Shelter From the Wind and Rain Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
The Punch Bowl: A Vibrant Fishing Community Transformed into a Ghost Town
Bergy Bit on Hare Island Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
Old Barge Wrecked on Copper Island Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
Camping On Hawke Island Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
Triangle Harbour: A Safe Anchorage Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea
Images of a Community: Triangle Harbour
Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea Shrimp Plant in Charlottetown and Heading Home Wow! What a Trip!
Cartwright to Charlottetown: Braving Labrador’s Sea We Have Memories