Moving plates interact at divergent, convergent and transform fault boundaries
TypeDescriptionChangePlace/location DivergentPlates are moving apart Forms ridges In the Atlantic Ocean, between the North American and Eurasian plates (Mid- Atlantic Ridge) Create valleys called rifts In Iceland Formed the Red Sea and a rift East Africa, between the African plate and the Arabian plate
TypeDescriptionChangePlace/location ConvergentPlates are moving towards each other Oceanic with Continental plates mountains Juan de Fuca Plate is being subducted under the North American Plate Subduction zone Subduction zone: when two plates meet, the area where one plate sinks below the other Oceanic with oceanic Trench (Mariana Trench) Between Pacific and Philippine Plates Continental with continental Mountains (Himalayas) Plateaus (high level ground) Between Indian and Eurasian Pate
TypeDescriptionChangePlace/location Transform FaultPlates are slipping past each other Rocks are being broken Ocean floor Earthquakes California, San Andreas Fault; the Pacific Plate is moving north past the North American Plate
Water cycle Rock cycle