Camping Vocabulary
Llamarse- to be called or named Despertase- to wake up (ie) Levantarse- to get up Lavarse- to wash oneself Banarse- to go for a swim/ to bathe oneself Afeitarse- to shave oneself Vestirse- to get dressed (i,i) Ponerse- to put on
Sentarse- to sit down (ie) Desayunarse- to eat breakfast Acostarse- to go to bed (ue) Dormirse- to fall asleep (ue) Divertirse- to enjoy oneself (ie) Mirarse- to look at oneself Acampar- to camp
Ir de camping- to go camping Armar una tienda- to put up a tent Dar una caminata- to take a hike Tomar una ducha- to take a shower