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A Prayer by Prophet Moses & Aaron (pbut) “O my Lord! Expand my breast and Ease my task for me and Remove the knots from my tongue, So that they may understand what I say.” (Qur’an 20: 25-28)

Basic Beliefs of a Muslim Basic Beliefs about Death How does an individual prepare himself for death What role does the family play What are the obligations of the Community Preparing for Burial Burial After the Burial Thanks & a Prayer

Basic Beliefs of a Muslim Belief in One and Only God There is no deity except God HE is the only Creator the rest are HIS Creation - Master the rest are HIS servants Made of earth – God’s spirit blown into the shape Aspire to come close to God by living some attributes of God – Compassion, mercy, love, peaceful, protector, forgiver, be just, be grateful, generous, truthful, trusted, be patient Belief in all the Prophets Adam Idris (Enoch) Nuh (Noah) Hud (Heber) Salih (Methusaleh) Lut (Lot) Ibrahim (Abraham) Ismail (Ishmael) Ishaq (Isaac) Yaqub (Jacob) Yusuf (Joseph) Shu’aib (Jethro) Ayyub (Job) Dhulkifl (Ezekiel) Musa (Moses) Harun (Aaron) Dawud (David) Sulayman (Solomon) Ilias (Elias) Alyasa (Elisha) Yunus (Jonah) Zakariya (Zachariah) Yahya (John the Baptist) Isa (Jesus) Muhammad Peace be on all of them

Basic Beliefs about Death Everyone will taste of Death Man is born – marking his beginning and dies – signifying his end Only God gives life and takes life Life on Earth is a preparation for the life in hereafter Belief in the Day of Judgement – accountable Get engaged in recurring charity or legacy for human benefit Do good, show kindness and care for all of God’s Creation Time to be spend in positive, beneficial and virtuous actions Qur’an 29:57

How does an individual prepare himself for death Remembering death will induce a need to prepare for death Obligation to attend all funerals – personal reminder of death The entire family gets involved – no funeral parlour – undertaker Accept that this world is a preparation for the next Spend everyday of your life as if it is going to be your last Acceptance that we come from HIM and will return to HIM To achieve the status of being a Muslim Qur’an 2:156

What role does the family play Provide comfort & ease the transition Gentle reminder of the Oneness of God Ask God to forgive him/her for their sins Going to a better place May mention the presence of the unseen. The soul/spirit leaves the body – returns to its origin The body becomes our responsibility to be returned to its origin – earth

What are the obligations of the Community Provide comfort in the absence of family Support the family in words, in care, help & service Assist family in completion of final rites to body If destitute – obligation of the community

Preparing for Burial Medical Death Certificate essential The Body needs – bathed, wrapped in a shroud and interned Handled with utmost tenderness, respect and confidentiality Responsibility of the immediate family son/father, daughter/mother Lie in state at home or mosque hall – offer condolence & reading from Qur’an

Burial Buried asap Buried in a Muslim section of the cemetery – grave orientation Short congregational funeral prayer Nearest of kin will enter the grave – 3 or 4 people Interned in a Kafan (shroud) not coffin – cotton, non synthetic, echo friendly, bio-degradable

Burial Manually lowered into the grave Placed into a cavity on the right shoulder facing prayer direction Covered with boards of wood – decompose Three handfuls of earth –come from earth, return to earth & resurrected once again from earth Mourners back fill the grave Announcement of outstanding credit & forgiveness Final prayer

After the Burial Community support – three days of mourning Provide meals for the family, run errands Gather at home, sympathise and read verses from the Qur’an Encourage family to continue with life Family arrange continuous charity in honour of the dead

Thank you WE HAVE a room full of lovely people from different walks of life GOD HAS provided each of us with rich resources NOT to fight one another BUT do a better job as human beings. IMPROVE the world CARE for the hungry SHOW more compassion and mercy in our lives My Prayer