Melrose Civil War Monuments Restoration Project Sponsored by The City of Melrose Melrose Veterans Advisory Board The MVMMS Operation Gettysburg Club
Civil War Monuments Restoration Projects Overview This project aims to restore Melrose Civil War monument to their original state of honor Restorations and upgrades focus on preserving history, increasing public awareness and restoring the memorials’ original beauty Funding for this project comes from the Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School outreach trip and fundraiser Operation Gettysburg, connecting Melrose veterans and students with the Civil War
Project Goals Restore the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Building (Memorial Hall) copper fixtures to present the monument in its original state Restore and improve Wyoming Cemetery Civil War monuments and graves – GAR Memorial – Hesseltine Medal of Honor Grave and Memorial – LTC Baldwin Grave and Memorial – Civil War graves stones and “soldier’s lot”
Restoring Memorial Hall The Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Building, known as Memorial Hall, is the largest civil war monument in the city Due to age and deterioration, the copper details on the front of the building no longer reflect the original design and have been removed This project aims to restore and replace the original copper fixings
Original Design Copper wreath to be restored and replaced Copper fixtures to be restored and replaced
Current State Copper wreath to be restored and replaced Copper fixtures to be restored and replaced
Memorial Hall Copper
Restoring Wyoming Cemetery Wyoming cemetery is rich with Civil War history; however, the monuments dedicated to this veteran era need restoration to properly honor the time period The highlight of this project is upgrading the GAR Memorial to help educate the public on its existence and purpose. A local Eagle Scout candidate, Jonathon Havey, will spearhead this portion. Secondary goals include restoring and bringing awareness to the Hesseltine and Baldwin memorials. Improving the state of the Civil War “soldier’s lot” will also demonstrate the City’s commitment to honoring its veterans from all veteran eras
Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Historic PictureCurrent State
GAR Monument Restoration Professional landscaping border; filled with pea stone Native Hosta plants transplanted from cemetery ground Install granite markers with bronze GAR and Union grave markers for perpetual flag display Clean and point granite to restore original look and feel
Grave Markers for Perpetual Flag Display Union MarkerGAR Marker
Hesseltine Grave Restoration Melrose Medal of Honor recipient Francis Hesseltine is laid to rest in Wyoming cemetery Although the tree surrounding the monument is beautiful, it does not allow for natural light This section of the project aims to clean the monument and improve its physical layout
Hesseltine Grave and Memorial Grave shape replicates the MOH Age and shade degradation
Hesseltine Restoration Proposals Clean and point granite base and monument to restore honor Add signage to highlight the memorial and MOH recipient Professionally landscape the monument area by removing moss, stone and dead grass and replacing with edging and natural bark mulch Add perianal flowers better suited for low-light conditions to highlight the memorial and pay tribute to the MOH recipient
LTC Baldwin Memorial Restoration Lieutenant Col. Clark B. Baldwin commanded the 1st Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment at the Battle of Gettysburg He is buried in Wyoming cemetery. His grave is a likeness of a memorial to the 3 rd Corps found on the Gettysburg Battlefield This section of the project will clean and restore this monument to bring greater public awareness
LTC Baldwin Memorial Melrose, MAGettysburg Battlefield
“Soldier’s Lot” Civil War Graves Graves dedicated to Civil War veterans surround the GAR monument at Wyoming Cemetery Due to age, many of the graves, no longer attended by loved ones, are off-center and exist in various condition levels This portion of the project aims to re-center these graves and fix/clean where possible
Soldier’s Lot Civil War Graves
Project Participants Organizations City of Melrose Veterans Advisory Board Operation Gettysburg Memorial Hall Wyoming Cemetery Melrose DPW Boy Scouts Troop #635 Local volunteers Vendors Quinlan Memorials WM. Blanchard Co. American Republic Const. – DAV business Butler Architectural
Project Costs Project Component GAR Monument Stones GAR Monument Markers Eagle Scout Landscaping Grave restoration/re-set Monument Cleaning Memorial Hall Copper Total Dedicated Funds $1250 $440 $560 $1050 $2250 $1250 $6800
Project Funding and Information Funds for these Civil War projects come from a fundraising initiative called Operation Gettysburg The Operation Gettysburg Club is a group of Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School students taking 20+ Melrose veterans to the Gettysburg Battlefield National Park in May 2014 A large component of Operation Gettysburg is restoring and bringing awareness to city Civil War monuments and soldiers As of March 2014, the club has raised enough money to cover a large portion of the restorations identified If the City of Melrose is able to obtain a MA150 grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, all identified projects will be completed by Memorial Day 2014.
Questions and Comments Inquiries and follow-up questions regarding this project can be directed to Ryan McLane, Melrose Veteran Services Director or