Unit 5 China Study Guide What was the main form of agriculture on the steppes north of the Huang Valley? Herding sheep and cattle Farmers were able to grow crops like rice, millet, and grapes in the Huang river valley because the river flooded, providing water and the loess silt was nutrient rich. Shihuangdi built life-size clay soldiers to protect his burial tomb. During which time period did rulers first apply Confucian ideas about fairness and learning? Han dynasty Loess created problems for Huang Valley farmers because it clogged irrigation ditches.
The clearing away of trees and shrubs in the Huang Valley for more farming land caused erosion. In ancient China, oracle bones were used by the Shang people to predict the future. The ancient huts uncovered by archaeologists at Anyang were once used for workshops. What did ancient Chinese farmers build to try to keep the Huang in its course? levees
This teacher said that rulers must be wise and good, just as their subjects must be respectful. Confucius This general was originally a farmer, before he led rebel armies to overthrow the Qin dynasty. Han Gaozu Although he was successful in creating a strong government, China’s first emperor is remembered for his harsh rule. Shihuangdi The emperor of the Han dynasty created schools to prepare people for government jobs. Wudi Archaeologists found the tomb of this woman, who was a leader of troops, a ruler of her town, and a king’s wife. Fu Hao
dusty, yellow soil deposited by the wind: loess political division of land in the empire: province wearing away of the soil: erosion rich, powerful relatives of the king: nobles an area of land that is a dry, treeless plain: steppe
teachings of Confucius: Confucianism line of rulers from the same family: dynasty machine that detects earthquakes: seismograph the supreme ruler of an empire: emperor this is a time when people starve: famine
The North China Plain was a major landform in China that was flooded annually by the Huang River. Shihuangdi had the Great Wall of China built in order to keep out invaders from the North. The Grand School was the best place for the Chinese to be educated. The huge landform in Tibet where the Huang River begins is called a plateau.
Ancient farming communities eventually developed into civilizations after they became more populated with languages, religions, and cultures. The Mandate of Heaven was the belief that a ruler had the god-given right to rule an empire. The dry region around which the Huang River curves is called the Ordos Desert.
32. Be able to draw and label the Chinese social pyramid. (5 levels) Kings/family Nobles Craftworkers Farmers Prisoners of War
Need to clear more land to feed more people 33. Be able to draw a flow chart showing the progression from good crop production to famine. Good crop production Population growth Need to clear more land to feed more people Erosion Poor crop production Famine
34. Be able to list the legacies that Shihaungdi left behind after his short-lived 15-year rule of China. He left behind centralized systems of: 1. Currency 2. Writing 3. Government