The story of this striking monument is very fascinating and probabily is the tomb of the legendary Horatii and Curiatii brothers. Its structure is quite unique and reminds us of the Etruscan cinerary urns.
The remains of the Porta Praetoria built in opus quadratum with large blocks of peperino, are still an impressive sight today. The façade overlooking the Via Appia was originally adorned with statues and mouldings but only a few fragments of these have survived.
The catacomb are situated by the Via Appia, at the 15th mile. The former quarry began to be used as a Christian burial place towards the end of the third and beginning of the 4th cent. A.D. The fame of this catacomb had already become widespread in late antiquity, owing to the fact that the bodies of saints and martyrs were buried there, as is clearly recorded in the Martirology of St. Jerome. TheAlbano catacomb is the largest and the most important of the ones outside Rome.
This ancient church,was formed out of a large hall of the Roman baths that had been built by the emperor Caracalla. In 1440 the church became the property of the Savelli family and some of this members were buried in the chapel. The princely tombs can now be seen inside the church.
The amphitheatre was built outside the camp wall on the NE side in the first decades of the 3rd cent. A.D. by the masons of the Legio Albana. In the Middle Ages it was exploited as a source of building materials and was also used as a Christian cemetery.