DESCRIPTION OF BRAZIL Brazil is a big country. In fact, it is the largest among the South American countries, mostly Portuguese speaking. Brazil’s being the eight largest economics in the world is due to its Agriculture, Manufacturing, and Mining sectors. There are many aspects that contribute to Brazil’s popularity. Its huge land area and population, its fast growing economy, and its beautiful coastlines are just a number of them. Brazil is also known for winning the elite World Cup title five times over — 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, and Aside from football, Brazil is also famous for its love for music and art combined. Enchanting music, dance, soap operas, and supermodels can be enjoyed well throughout the many regions in the country. It is like a carnival experience to be in Brazil, with lots of opportunities to have enjoyable gimmick nights with numerous charms that are all over the place. If nature is your trip and seeing the Amazon is what spells your enjoyment, you still should never go far away from Brazil. It has interesting wildlife, which is best explained by about million insect species
History of the Jewish Community. The great majority of Brazilian Jews are Ashkenazim and live in the two largest cities-Sao Paulo (60,000) and Rio de Janeiro (40,000). Smaller communities exist in Bahia, Belem, Manaus, Porto Alegre, Recife, and also in more remote areas. The Sephardim arrived in Brazil under different conditions and during different epochs than the Ashkenazim. Many arrived during the 1950s and 1960s from Arab countries, bringing with them money and French-style education. They established very active synagogues, organized by land or region of origin. They sought the kind of good education the upper class enjoyed in the places where they came from. As was common in their Arab countries of origin, the teaching of Judaism was a goal primarily undertaken by the family and not by the school. There is a saying in Brazil that, if a town doesn’t have a Jewish and a Lebanese merchant, it doesn’t deserve to be called a town. The Albert Einstein Jewish Hospital is one of the leading hospitals in all of South America. The burial ground used by Brazilian Sephardic Jews is one of the oldest in the Caribbe an. Brazilian Jews from São Paulo.
Special Customs and Interesting facts You can find more than 20 kosher restaurants and food marts in the city of Sao Paulo alone. In August 2004 the mayor of Sao Paulo declared the city a sister city with Tel Aviv. Mayor Marta Suplicy said the new status would strengthen the bonds between Brazilians and Israelis. Jewish families own Brazil’s two largest publishing and jewelry companies. Four monthly Jewish magazines are published in Brazil: O Hebreu, Shalom, A Hebraica, and Chabad News. You can also see a local television program called Mosaico, which is devoted to Judaism, Israel, and Jewish community issues and has aired for over 20 years. Brazil’s first Jewish governor, Jaime Lerner, was elected in Five Jewish schools, one of them religious, accommodate more than 5,000 students from elementary to high school, although there remain an estimated 3,000 Jewish students who do not receive any formal Jewish education. There are also a number of very small Orthodox schools. Brazil’s first Jewish governor, Jaime Lerner, was elected in 1994.
Samba of Moshiach Yes, Brazilian Jews definitely know how to do the samba!
Jewish music – the Brazilian way!! Fortuna live Avraham Avinu
Fortuna Live –Avinu Malkeinu
In conclusion-Hatikvah the Brazilian way