ISLAM BY: Izzi Piper, Nicole Victory, Kylie Fischer
ORIGIN When: Introduced in 610 AD (7th Century Saudi Arabia) Where: Saudi Arabia Who: Prophet Muhammad (Born 570 AD) ●Recieved first revelation of God through Angel Gabriel on a meditative retreat o Preached the truth that God revealed to him faced persecution, then emigrated from Makkah to Yathrib (Madinah) ● Returned to Makkah, established Islam as city’s religion o By his death, Islam spread through most of Saudi Arabia
5 Things They Believe ●One God, Allah (monotheistic) a.In order to become Muslim one must testify to the belief in a single god ● A figure named Mahdi will arrive toward the end of history to fight evil ●The Qur’an warns believers that history will end in calamities (an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress) and social disorder ●5 Pillars of Faith: ●Shadadah - no god worthy other than the one God, and Muhammad is God’s messenger ●Salat - pray 5 times a day facing the city of Makkah ●Zakat - gives generously to charities ●Sawm of Ramadan - fast during the month of Ramadan ●Hajj - if physically and financially able, go on a pilgrimage to Makkah ●Last day of judgement (everyone will be resurrected for judgement into either paradise or hell
5 Things They Believe
Universalizing or Ethnic ●Universalizing o Precise, traced origin Prophet Muhammad, 1500 years ago ●Diffused from a specific hearth o Southwest Asia (Saudi Arabia) ●Diffused in specific paths o through relocation diffusion Missionaries Arab traders
Hierarchical or Autonomous ●Autonomous o No religious hierarchy or formal territorial organization o Everyone is expected to participate in rituals and private prayer is encouraged o Only formal organization is through coincidence of religious territory
Diffusion Over Time ●Organized followers extended region of Muslim control over an extensive area of Africa, Asia, and Europe o Muslims controlled Palestine, the Persian Empire, and much of India Intermarriage converted people to Muslims ●Diffused across North Africa and crossed the Strait of Gibraltar ●Took control of southeastern Europe and Turkey ●Indonesia is predominantly Muslim because Arab traders brought it there in the 13th century
Diffusion Over Time
Distribution Today ●3,480,000 - North America ●840,000 - Latin America-Caribbean ●43,490,000 - Europe ●317,070,000 - Middle East-North Africa ●248,110,000 - Sub-Saharan Africa ●985,530,000 - Asia-Pacific
Distribution Today
Sacred Spaces ●Muslim mosques o Space for community assembly/worship o Typically found in larger cities of Muslim world Visible and important features of landscape Organized around a courtyard The courtyard inside a Muslim mosque The exterior of a Muslim mosque
Sacred Places ●Holiest places in Islam are cities relating to the life of Prophet Muhammad o Mecca (Makkah)- birthplace of Muhammad o Mosque of the Prophet in Madinah (burial place of Muhammad) ●Ka’ba- cubelike structure, thought to be built by Abraham and Ishmael o reclaimed by Muhammad and rededicated it to Allah after defeating locals ●Masjd al-Haram mosque contains well of Zamzam o Thought to have same water source as that given to Hagar from Angel Gabriel Used to quench thirst of infant Ishmael The Ka’ba in Mecca The well of Zamzam in the Masjd al-Haram mosque.
Citations The Cultural Landscape