“To Rear To Maturity” Eph.6:4
Attitude Toward Children A Gift From God Ps.127:3-5 Gen.33:5 Gen.48:9
Provide For Children I Timothy 5:8 2 Cor.12:14
Bringing Up Implies… Time Effort Patience Diligence Work At It
To Rear To Maturity Physically Socially Mentally Spiritually
To Rear, Bring Up, Educate, Train Physically Eat Well Protection Sleep, Rest Exercise Recreation Hygiene
To Rear, Bring Up, Educate, Train Socially Share Get Along Treat Others With Respect Work Follow Rules
To Rear, Bring Up, Educate, Train Mentally Talk Think, Learn, Reason Be Honest Emotions Temperance
To Rear, Bring Up, Educate, Train Spiritually God, Jesus, Spirit Creation Bible Bible Characters Reverence Worship
To Rear, Bring Up, Educate, Train Words Example Show Them Admonition Punishment Hebs.12:9-11 Pr.13:24 Pr.19:18 Pr.22:15 Pr.23:13 Pr.29:15, 17
The Plan Of Salvation 1.Hear the gospel of Christ, Rom.10:17 2.Believe in Jesus Christ, Jn.8:24 3.Repent and Turn to God, Acts 3:19 4.Confess Jesus Before Men, Rom.10: Baptized in Water, Ac.2: Grow And Be Faithful, Rev.2:10 If Err From The Way : Repent and Pray God Acts 8:22