Benefits Lower height for better ergonomics (less pull on shoulders) Speed-lays are pulled from solid ground (not from running boards on sides of the truck Speed-lays are loaded on the ground for safety Hoses are enclosed behind roll-up doors to meet NFPA standards Trays are set back and retained in compartment Extra room provided for each speed-lay to make for easier pulls and loading.
Hose beds in Compartments 2 & 9 Lower Front Speed-Lay 200’ Lower Rear Speed-Lay 200’ Upper Speed-Lay 300’
Pull–out Trays Drain Holes 8 handles
Tray Retention Block Retains Speed-lay trays in shelf area while driving and during hose pulls
Male Hose Connection Connection is made from above hose tray When loaded in the tray the female coupling of the hose must be lined up with the hose connect line & should hang down over outside of tray 10” Connection is made from above hose tray
Loading Hose Trays Hose trays are labeled for easy loading. The hose tray may be loaded from either side. However the nozzle should be loaded on the opposite side of the tray from the plumbing connection
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View Loading 200 ft Speed Lays video on Loading 200’ Speed Lay View Loading 200 ft Speed Lays video on
View Loading 300 ft Speed Lays video on Loading 300’ Speed-Lay View Loading 300 ft Speed Lays video on
Summary Know your equipment and its location on the apparatus . After each use, and on daily check out make sure all plumbing connections are coupled. Make sure nozzle is loaded on opposite side of the tray from the plumbing connection. Make sure outlet side hose is flat against the rear side of hose tray to allow for easy passage of the nozzle. When loading the 200’ speed lay into the apparatus it is recommended to use 3 firefighters. When loading the 300’ speed lay into the apparatus it is recommended to use 4 firefighters
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