Designing Programs Venue Enhancements Venue/Event Signage
ADVERTISING - REVENUE Advertisers pay a certain $ amount based on how large of an ad they put into the event program. Sometimes, this $ is far beyond what the organization needs to break even on the cost of publishing the program. People are NOT motivated to buy a program because of the ads that appear on the inside. However, this could be accomplished by including sweepstakes numbers for prize drawings.
The team is promoted thru the athlete profiles, statistics, rules, and photos in the program. Because a program containing ads usually has more pages, it will actually cost more to print. However, the revenue generated from the ads can help to cover the printing costs.
PROGRAMS Fans use the program during the game and often take it home, particularly if it contains special features or is the program for a special event such as the Super Bowl. When fans take home programs, they become promotional tools because they remind fans of the team and encourage them to attend more games.
PROGRAMS Therefore, teams usually include information in programs telling fans how to order tickets or become season ticket-holders. The ticket is the printed piece that fans need to gain entry to the game but is not used during the game. Posters are another type of promotional tool; however, they are not used during games. Free samples are not commonly associated with professional sports teams.
ELECTRONIC BOARDS A stadium uses signage to promote events/activities. The purpose of signage is to communicate messages such as names of teams or sponsors. Electronic boards are a popular type of signage because messages & logos can be changed quickly throughout the event. Also, this type of signage is graphically appealing and encourages spectators to read the messages.
EVENT SIGNAGE Deciding to place messages and team logos on electronic boards is NOT an example of selecting media usage, sponsorships, or network support.
INTERIOR OUTFIELD WALL Sponsors want their products in the most visible place possible. By placing a sign on the wall in the outfield, the sponsor gets maximum exposure. All fans in the stadium can see the sign from their seats, and if the baseball game is nationally televised, television viewers see the signage, too.
REAR ENTRANCE - CONCESSIONS Signs placed at the rear entrance of the stadium or near concession stands will be seen ONLY BY THE ATTENDEES who use that particular entrance or purchase food at concession stands. Depending the scoreboard's design and placement, signs placed on the back of the scoreboard may not be seen by anyone.
INCREASES BRAND AWARENESS Placing signage in an area that will receive a lot of exposure is more likely to make an impact on viewers. Because television cameras show the baseball outfield each time a baseball player hits a ball in that direction, stadium spectators and television fans are more likely to see the signage on the outfield wall many times.
INCREASES BRAND AWARENESS Publicity is a message not paid for by the organization that benefits from or is harmed by it. Businesses often pay a lot of money to place signs in prominent areas of the stadium, so the signs are not generating free publicity.
INCREASES BRAND AWARENESS The repeated message helps increase brand awareness in the minds of the fans. The signage does NOT necessarily lower promotional expenses or ensure higher sales.
LOGO PLACEMENT – RACE CARS Taking advantage of logo placement opportunity means a business strives to expose its logo in the best place in order to maximize repeat or long-term logo exposure.
LOGO PLACEMENT – RACE CARS By placing a logo on the hood/door of a race car, the business is maximizing logo exposure to the race car audience, both inside the racetrack and on television broadcasts of the racing event.
LOGO PLACEMENT – RACE CARS Repetitive or long-term exposure increases the business's chances of making associations with the sport or team and itself. Sponsors often place logos on golf balls, swimsuits, and footwear; however, these logos are usually too small for most spectators to see.
CELEBRITY APPEARANCE Including celebrities in an event usually adds interest and excitement to the event. Events often hire celebrities to perform during intermissions or half- time periods.
CELEBRITY APPEARANCE Celebrities may be invited to speak before an event begins or to present an award to an event participant. Events usually publicize the celebrity appearance in advance, which attracts attention and encourages people to attend. The event is capitalizing on the fact that people enjoy seeing celebrities and being where they are. Michael Phelps
CELEBRITY APPEARANCE Long intermissions usually do not add interest and excitement unless they include entertainment. A dress rehearsal takes place before the event begins. Although sponsors may be recognized during an event, this usually does not add interest and excitement. Tiger Woods
TRAFFIC JAMS When people have to sit in traffic for a long period of time waiting to get to and from an event, they are less likely to want to turn around and do it again in the future. Public transportation is a solution to the problem because it decreases the number of vehicles on the road, and it provides a convenient way to get to the event without having to find a place to park.
TRAFFIC JAMS Nearby accommodations encourage repeat visits because people can stay overnight and walk to the fireworks show. Because fireworks shows are free, paying a parking fee of typically less than $15 makes the event a relatively inexpensive form of entertainment that attracts the same people from year to year.
ADEQUATE FACILITIES Long lines at the women's rest room are very common because women tend to spend almost two more minutes in the rest room than men. Therefore, a stadium designed with a higher female to male ratio of rest rooms is responding to customer expectations for adequate facilities.
ADEQUATE FACILITIES Aesthetics refer to the things that are visually appealing to the eye, such as the color of the walls and the landscaping at the stadium entrance. Dedicated usage refers to the specific use of the stadium for a sole purpose—such as baseball contests rather rock concerts and firework displays. A response to safety expectations is achieved by doing such things as locating the stadium in a low-crime neighborhood and installing safety rails.
SAFE ENVIRONMENT Sports facilities have the responsibility to provide fans with a safe environment when they attend events. Fans attend events with the purpose of having an enjoyable experience in an environment that is safe and secure. If a facility does not live up to fans' expectations, the fans often stop attending because they do not want to put themselves or family members in dangerous situations.
SAFE ENVIRONMENT Therefore, sports facilities usually have policies for dealing with unruly or disorderly people who threaten the safety of others. The sports facility is not in a position to provide a winning experience. Fans usually do not consider sporting events to be learning situations. Fans usually hope for an extraordinary performance rather than an ordinary one. However, the facility is not responsible for the quality of the performance.
NAME PRONOUNCIATIONS When providing a script for an event announcer, the script writer should identify name pronunciations that might be difficult to read. So the announcer can read the script in a professional, smooth manner, s/he should be given the script in advance to review. The script writer and the announcer should review words or names that have unusual or difficult pronunciations, to make sure the announcer says the word or name correctly during the ceremony.
NAME PRONOUNCIATIONS To make it easy for the announcer to read the script, the text should be double-spaced, and key points should be bold. It is NOT always appropriate to include a joke when writing the script for an award ceremony.
13 (2).Which of the following factors is most likely to cause people to not want to return to the annual fireworks show that attracts hundreds of thousands of people to the downtown area: A.Public transportation B.Nearby accommodations C. Traffic D.Parking fees
13.(2)Which of the following factors is most likely to cause people to not want to return to the annual fireworks show that attracts hundreds of thousands of people to the downtown area: A.Public transportation B.Nearby accommodations C. Traffic D.Parking fees
14.(2) A stadium designed with more female rest rooms than male rest rooms is responding to which of the following customer expectations: A.Adequate facilities C. Dedicated usage B.Aesthetics D. Sense of safety
14.(2) A stadium designed with more female rest rooms than male rest rooms is responding to which of the following customer expectations: A.Adequate facilities C. Dedicated usage B.Aesthetics D. Sense of safety
15.(2) When attending a sporting event, most fans expect that the facility will provide them with a(n) A.learning situation. C. safe environment. B.winning experience. D. ordinary performance.
15.(2) When attending a sporting event, most fans expect that the facility will provide them with a(n) A.learning situation. C. safe environment. B.winning experience. D. ordinary performance.
15.(2) When attending a sporting event, most fans expect that the facility will provide them with a(n) A.learning situation. C. safe environment. B.winning experience. D. ordinary performance.
24 (2).The purpose of designing an event program that contains space for advertisements is to A.promote the team. B.get more people to buy the program. C.generate more revenue. less money for program printing costs.
24 (2).The purpose of designing an event program that contains space for advertisements is to A.promote the team. B.get more people to buy the program. C.generate more revenue. less money for program printing costs.
68(2).A stadium deciding to place messages and team logos on electronic boards is an example of selecting A.event signage. C.sponsorships. usage. support.
68(2).A stadium deciding to place messages and team logos on electronic boards is an example of selecting A.event signage. C.sponsorships. usage. support.
80(2).To obtain the most exposure during a sporting event, the best logo placement opportunity for businesses is on A.race cars. C.swimsuits. balls. D.footwear.
80(2).To obtain the most exposure during a sporting event, the best logo placement opportunity for businesses is on A.race cars. C.swimsuits. balls. D.footwear.
81(2).A soft-drink manufacturer is a sponsor for a professional baseball team. Which of the following signage placement options would provide the most exposure to the manufacturer's products: A.Rear entrance of stadium B.Next to concession stands C. Interior wall of the outfield D.Backside of the scoreboard
81(2).A soft-drink manufacturer is a sponsor for a professional baseball team. Which of the following signage placement options would provide the most exposure to the manufacturer's products: A.Rear entrance of stadium B.Next to concession stands C. Interior wall of the outfield D.Backside of the scoreboard
83(2).What is the advantage to a business of placing signage on the outfield stadium wall during a televised professional baseball game? A.Ensures higher sales B.Provides free publicity C.Lowers promotional expenses D.Increases brand awareness
83(2).What is the advantage to a business of placing signage on the outfield stadium wall during a televised professional baseball game? A.Ensures higher sales B.Provides free publicity C.Lowers promotional expenses D.Increases brand awareness
85(2).What do professional sports teams design for use during games that often become promotional tools because fans take them home? A.Posters C.Programs B.Tickets D.Samples
85(2).What do professional sports teams design for use during games that often become promotional tools because fans take them home? A.Posters C.Programs B.Tickets D.Samples
86(2).When a sport organization employee creates a promotional script for a sport announcer to read during a pregame award ceremony, the employee should: A.include a joke in the introduction to capture the audience's attention. B.number the copy pages in reverse chronological order. C.make sure the final copy is single-spaced and the typeface is bold. D.identify name pronunciations that might be difficult to read.
86(2).When a sport organization employee creates a promotional script for a sport announcer to read during a pregame award ceremony, the employee should: A.include a joke in the introduction to capture the audience's attention. B.number the copy pages in reverse chronological order. C.make sure the final copy is single-spaced and the typeface is bold. D.identify name pronunciations that might be difficult to read.
87(2).Which of the following do event organizers often include in an event to add interest and excitement to the event: A.Dress rehearsal B.Celebrity appearance C.Long intermission D.Sponsor recognition
87(2).Which of the following do event organizers often include in an event to add interest and excitement to the event: A.Dress rehearsal B.Celebrity appearance C.Long intermission D.Sponsor recognition