Oakhurst CC Jon Christenson Golf Course Superintendent 2013 Fall Project Update
Fall is Aeration season
22 man hours per hole for fairways Followed by slit seeder to introduce new seed into thin areas Clean final appearance immediately when finished
Necessary minimum 2x annuallyNeed to promote water and root penetration Lack of roots due to compaction and consistent aeration Turf being ripped up by aerator due to no roots
200 man hours to complete greens aeration Roll greens next day when dry for two days, then mow with sand reels for 3 days, then roll and use good mowers
Ongoing needle tining of greens every 4-6 weeks Aids in deeper roots and water penetration Aids in our Black layer battle No disruption to play
Tee Aeration First round complete Second round will be a triple aeration followed immediately by large roller to attempt leveling of some tees Sand topdressing to finish Not sure of exact start date, but will be soon
It has taken an EXTREMELY dry season for the following issues to become as evident as they have
Irrigation Challenges 1.95” of rain YTD against an average YTD of 11.43” last 4 years Approximately 10,000 feet of wire pulled and 136 heads repaired since May Estimate half complete for repairs to wiring, hoping to complete by end of year
Missing rear nozzle Sprinkler is too low, has had wrong new internals installed, and has the wrong nozzles Hundreds to check Due to all of this, the water runs downhill creating a wet area and water does not go where necessary
Cause and effect Why is there such a dry spot right next to a sprinkler ?
Missing rear nozzle Proper nozzle installed at proper angle Hundreds to check
Incorrect nozzle combination, especially the rear that is shown Correct nozzle combination. The red is the rear nozzle that sprays the base of the sprinkler Hundreds of this style to check also
Wrong new internal head with wrong nozzle setup After nozzle corrections were made 18 days later
Missing rear nozzle impacts spray coverage and uniformity Potential water savings when all repairs complete
New sprinkler installed and only set to half circle in middle of fairway
Another new sprinkler installed to not water a full circle where required
Sprinkler location with nozzle issues Old seeding grooves from last fall indicates annual dry spot problems
More areas of annual dry spots and seeding
Manual water valve for a hose installed next to a sprinkler, indicating the need for extra water due to dryness This station of 3 heads is not in the automatic computer program Hose valve
Irrigation priority #1 Tree trimming and Permit area trimming Seed and sod work New clubhouse flowers for winter Bunker rock removal Questions or concerns? Fall projects We are all anxious to see this!!! Thank you for your attention.