Urban Art Bar
scrawl 2002 Objective To introduce modern day urban art to Scotland through a major part of it’s culture… Drink To become a part of the art within an ‘interactive space’ To give urban art an equal respect to other forms of modern art
scrawl 2002 Artists Three artists featured per year Four month time period each Featured ‘opening artist’ Mr. Jago
scrawl 2002 Site Location –West Cross Causeway Edinburgh City Centre –Currently unused building to let –Situated in a busy restaurant, bar & residential district
scrawl 2002 Process Building needs minimal restoration work to both exterior & interior Suitable load bearing structure for proposed mezzanine Entire roof to be replaced from peaked to flat (6500mm high) Existing façade to retain large garage style door & main entrance opening with both doors being replaced All other openings on existing façade to be removed and filed Windows on both sides of building to be replaced with frosted glass enabling natural light in with view to outside limited Large rear section of building to be converted into a mezzanine with staff areas, storage, kitchen and WC’s located below
scrawl 2002 Proposed Ground Floor Plan
scrawl 2002 Proposed Mezzanine Floor Plan
scrawl 2002 Proposed Elevation Continually changing –Façade become giant billboard for featured artist, displaying sample images –Scrawl logo etched on glass section of main entrance –Large garage style door enables direct view into bar from street level, open in suitable weather
scrawl 2002 Proposed Elevation
scrawl 2002 Enter>> After entering visitors are persuaded through a transparent walkway consisting of 3 fully movable glass shapes. While progressing through the walkway attention is directed automatically to the the bar counter due to the positioning of the last movable shape. En route to the bar the guests have the opportunity to gaze around from within the glass before becoming a part of the art itself.
scrawl 2002 Above Transparent Walkway
scrawl 2002 Interior The Interior of the bar is kept to a minimum with almost everything receiving a basic whitewash finish enabling the participants to concentrate full attention on showcased art work Subtle introduction of bright colours through 2 sections of wall and down lighters Structural I-Beams exposed and painting dark grey Glass wall dividing the Mezzanine from the lower front section of the bar
scrawl 2002 Front Lounge
scrawl 2002 In>> Once at the bar the drinker has the chance to interact with the counter in a never before experienced manner. Due to numerous sizes, heights etc of the counter the you are able to lean against & sit on various sections with no stools necessary.
scrawl 2002 Bar Counter Consists of varying sizes of cuboid Each featured artist ‘scrawls’ on a blank face of bar to be left permanently New open counter allowing easy access to ensure bar fully stocked at all times Lit from numerous angles for dramatic shadow casting
scrawl 2002 High Front View of Bar Counter
scrawl 2002 High Rear View of Bar Counter
scrawl 2002 Section of Counter with Original Art
scrawl 2002 Bar Counter Whilst positioned at the bar participants are able to navigate which destination they require; - Brief occupation within the Front Lounge - Established stay within the rear Mezzanine Dinning & Lounge
scrawl 2002 Front Lounge With Art
scrawl 2002 Art Positioning The high positioning of the art work within the front lower section of the bar allows inhabitants to view the majority of the work from almost any point. - Produces a new approach to viewing new styles of work - Prevents accidental spillage of beverages
scrawl 2002 Art Focus
scrawl 2002 Mezzanine After ascending the stairs you again walk through another transparent ‘tunnel’ to the mezzanine Dinning & Lounge A more established stay View over entire bar
scrawl 2002 From Mezzanine Glass Walkway
scrawl 2002 Mezz Dinning toward Front Section
scrawl 2002 Mezz Lounge toward Dinning
scrawl 2002 End New approach to the concept of a Bar A relaxed/Informal approach to introducing New Art Participant walks inside the Art Passing from familiar territory to become a piece of Art interacting with sculptured Bar and surroundings