Slide 1 May 23, 2006 Sorenson Language and Communication Center Media Plan
SLCC Slide 2 Outline Deaf Time Line and Visual Displays Assistive Listening Systems Presentation Spaces: Atrium, Collaboration Rm Student Media Studio, Student Labs Dept Meeting Rooms, Video Labs HSLS and Linguistic Video Recording Classroom Technology
SLCC Slide 3 Deaf Time Line
SLCC Slide 4 Visual Displays Interactive Directory LCD Digital Sign (3) Airport-Style Digital Signage LCD Displays (5) LCD Televisions w/ DVD Player (8) Instructional LCD (Video-Computer) Displays (17) Future LCDs (5) Front-Screen Projectors (13) Rear-Screen Projectors (1) LCD = LCD, Plasma, or Other Flat-Screen Technology N = 54 Mimio Whiteboard Capture (4) LCD Now n = 33
SLCC Slide 5 Interactive Video Directory Sign Locations: Near Elevators Near West and North Entries? Deaf history film tonight! Interactive Directory 1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor DepartmentsPeople ASL and Deaf Studies 1200 Communication Studies 1200 Government & History 3200 … 1st Floor Television Channel Signed Directions to Locations Floor Plans Path to Locations Issues: Deaf-Blind Accessibility Height for Wheelchair Accessibility Touch Screen Buttons Touch Panel Alphabetical Directory Picture Directory ? Keyboard Entry ?
SLCC Slide 6 Digital Signage Contents on Server In or Outside of Plasma Hung on Wall or Angle Mount TV-DVD
SLCC Slide 7 Instructional LCD Display
SLCC Slide 8 Polycom Video Conferencing 8 Polycom Video Conferencing Systems ( 5 Mtg Rooms, 2 Medium Classrooms, 1 Sm Classrm) 1 Multipoint Conferencing Unit and Gateway Distance Learning Remote Collaboration Shared Tours People + Content Special Thanks to Michael Baker for advocating for the Polycom Gift
SLCC Slide 9 1 st Floor Instructional Interactive Sign Digital Sign TV/DVD Future LCD-Plasma-Flat Screen Displays Rear-Screen Projector Front-Screen Projector Smart Board (w/Screen) Studio LCD Displays Mimio WhiteBoard Capture
SLCC Slide 10 2 nd Floor Instructional Interactive Sign Digital Sign TV/DVD Future LCD-Plasma-Flat Screen Displays Front-Screen Projector Smart Board (w/Screen) Mimio WhiteBoard Capture
SLCC Slide 11 3 rd Floor Front-Screen Projector Smart Board (w/Screen) Instructional Interactive Sign Digital Sign TV/DVD Future LCD-Plasma-Flat Screen Displays Mimio WhiteBoard Capture
SLCC Slide 12 Assistive Listening System (ALS) ILD60: Reception, Indiv Therapy Rooms ILD252: Larger Rooms ILD9: Atrium
SLCC Slide 13 ALS 1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Atrium & Balconies Collab Rms Classrooms HSLS 2104, 2106, 2108, 2115, 2119, 2121, 2123A, D, 2125, 2201, 3121 Sample Wire Mesh Layout
SLCC Slide 14 Atrium Presentation Space Rack Laptop Connection
SLCC Slide 15 Atrium Video Recording Live Captioning Support Live Video, Backup Option Remote Video Camera Remote Video Control
SLCC Slide 16 Atrium Emergency Alert System EmergencyAlert Deaf- Blind Alert
SLCC Slide 17 Collaboration Rooms Computer - ProjectorComputer - Projector White Boards (Mimio)White Boards (Mimio) StagesStages Video RecordingVideo Recording Assistive ListeningAssistive Listening Digital Sign in Lounge OutsideDigital Sign in Lounge Outside Tack Boards Next To Doors for AnnouncementsTack Boards Next To Doors for Announcements Wall Camera Floor Box
SLCC Slide 18 Student Media Center Visual Intercom System (VIS)
SLCC Slide 19 Printer moves to corner, on top of rack Student Labs - 1st and 2nd Floor
SLCC Slide 20 Student Labs – 3rd Floor
SLCC Slide 21 Dept Meeting Rooms LCDLCD Touch Panel (SmartBoard)Touch Panel (SmartBoard) Dept-Supplied ComputerDept-Supplied Computer White BoardsWhite Boards Video ConferencingVideo Conferencing Half RackHalf Rack
SLCC Slide 22 Dept Video Labs (to be developed Fall 2006) Experimental Lab Now: SAC 2208 Video Editing Suites Now: SAC 1100 Ceiling/Camera Lighting?
SLCC Slide 23 Ling Video Recording Glass Window btwn 1230 and 1231: Need to see all corners in 1230 TV-DVD at child height Camera Locations, Height, and Angles Lighting, DVD-R, and Microphone Locations Issues Ceiling/Camera Lighting?
SLCC Slide 24 HSLS Video Recording 14 Rm: Camera, Mic 8 Obs: DVD-R, Mic, Control System, Monitors 30 Office: Monitors, Control Switch Planning: Design, Move, Cost Estimate Ceiling Lighting Cannot be Hanging Pendants (CD Comment)
SLCC Slide 25 Seven Hi-Tech Classrooms Sorenson Video Phone Booths SAC Classroom Equip + Presentation Recording + Camera Control SAC 1210 Experimental Classroom Now
SLCC Slide 26 Apreso Presentation Recording Powerpoint Anything on Computer Screen Blackboard Server Apreso Content Server Media Server Apreso Capture Station
SLCC Slide 27 Classroom Cameras Wall Camera Ceiling Camera Tracking Camera 360 Camera (nic) Ceiling Camera or Desk-Top Doc Camera
SLCC Slide 28 Vaddio Camera Control System Press-to-Talk Press-to-Sign Apreso Capture Station 4 Cameras SAC 1210 Model How Many? $10K/press-to-sign $7K/tracking $7K/ceiling cam
SLCC Slide 29 Classroom Mockup
SLCC Slide 30 Front Wall: Distance Learning Classroom Front Wall: Classroom LCD and Camera on Rear Wall (no electrical port on wall needed) No Desk Here
SLCC Slide 31 Classroom Technology
SLCC Slide 32 Instructor Desk Options Desk in SLCC 1302, 2302 Smaller than SAC desks (To be developed Fall 2006) Options for lecturn in all medium classrooms
SLCC Slide 33 Student Response System (Clickers) TurningPoint 2006 Students participate in presentations by submitting their responses to interactive questions using hand-held devices or response pads.
SLCC Slide 34 Next Steps Summer 2006: CD Infrastructure Fall 2006: Dept/Student Input Spring 2007: Prelim Equip Selection Fall 2007: Final Equip Selection Dept Review Fall 2007: RFP for Media Contractor Spring 2008: Installation Steps RE: Cabling and Instrastructure Not Shown
SLCC Slide 35 Q & A Deaf Time Line and Visual Displays Assistive Listening Systems Presentation Spaces: Atrium, Collaboration Rm Student Media Studio, Student Labs Dept Meeting Rooms, Video Labs HSLS and Linguistic Video Recording Classroom Technology