ldi 5 “ kick it up a notch! ” August 24, 2007
LDI 4 Evaluation Results 51 Attendees 100% of Attendees Completed an Evaluation Biggest Takeaways: 1.HML 2.Customer Rounding 3.Leader Evaluations
Evaluation Results cont. Behaviors attendees said they would START or INCREASE doing: 1)Talk to reports about their performance 2)Customer Rounding 3)Write thank you notes Behaviors attendees said they would STOP or DECREASE doing: 1)Fail to address low performers 2)Leave linkage grid activities until last minute 3)Spend too much time on low performers
LDI 4 Evaluation Results cont. Overall, today’s session was helpful and a worthwhile use of my time: 73% AGREE 2% DISAGREE 25% NO RESPONSE
LDI Team Success Criteria 90% of evaluation responders found LDI to be educational and worthwhile (Actual: 73%, No Response: 25%) >90% response rate on LDI evaluation forms (Actual: 100%) 80% attendance at LDI from F&A Leadership (Actual: 74%)
Today’s LDI: High/Medium/Low (HML) Performers Coaching for Organizational and Individual Performance Skill Practice Session Tough Questions
Today’s LDI Cont. Measurement Team Update Guest Speaker Frankie Miller, Trident Tech Dean of Hospitality, Tourism, & Culinary Arts Quint Studer Video on HML Performers
Last but not least…. NEW & IMPROVED LUNCH BUFFET!!!
Employees of the Month
2007 MUSC Excellence Goals for Finance & Administration Develop Division- wide Customer Service Survey by 1/15/07 Conduct customer service training for 50% of division employees by 6/07, and 50% by 6/08 Develop Division- wide survey for quality of service by 1/15/07 Diversity -Dev. career counseling program by 6/30/07 -Dev. process for distributing/posting recruitment & placement goals to all hiring mgrs Recognition & Reward Make recommendations to enhance Division programs by 1/15/07. Increase Employee Satisfaction Survey “Communication from Supervisor is timely & effective” from 50% to 65% by 6/30/07. Establish productivity measures and Best Practice benchmarks in 80% of departments by 6/30/07 Perform professional development assessments in all units by 4/07; use information for budgeting training for fiscal 2008 ServiceQualityPeopleFinanceGrowth
2008 MUSC Excellence Goals for Finance & Administration Improve customer satisfaction: score 65% or better on “responds in timely and effective manner.” Improve employee satisfaction: increase score from 57% to 65% or better on “my immediate supervisor talks with us regularly about customer service goals.” Improve c ustomer satisfaction: score 65% or better on “deliver quality products and services.” Improve employee satisfaction: increase score from 69% to 75% or better to “general communications from my immediate supervisor is timely and relevant.” Improve employee satisfaction: increase score from 57% to 65% or better on “my immediate supervisor has spoken about our diversity goals and initiatives.” Improve employee satisfaction: increase score from 51% to 57% or better on “good performance is recognized in our department.” Target a 5% or better improvement in key productivity benchmarks across the Division. Improve employee understanding of how key measures tie to Division goals. Increase survey results form 54% to 60% or better. Improve employee satisfaction: increase score from 48% to 60% or better on “believes that MUSC Excellence is making a positive difference.” Improve employee satisfaction: increase score from 59% to 65% or better on “my department provides adequate ongoing training I need to perform my job.” ServiceQualityPeopleFinanceGrowth
Chapter 6: Principle 4 Assessing your Staff High/Medium/Low
Today’s Goals… Identifying/Classifying H/M/L PerformersIdentifying/Classifying H/M/L Performers Utilizing H/M/L ScoresheetUtilizing H/M/L Scoresheet Coaching for Effective PerformanceCoaching for Effective Performance The McNair Group
It’s difficult to juggle all that we’re asked to handle GoalsCustomers Staffs
The McNair Group Customers Staffs Goals Worker Personalities
Definition Of High, Middle and Low Performers H Come to work on time Good attitude Problem solve You relax when you know they are on the job Good influence Use for peer interview M Good employees Need a little development Make or break your workforce Behave like high performers, but not as consistently L Negative influence Take up lots of time Often are “sacred cow” type employees Refuse to adapt to change Can appear as informal leader
Goal: Move The Entire Performance Curve HM L
Movement of H-M-L Performers M H L H M L Gap is uncomfortable H M Gap is intolerable L EXCELLENCE
So why do we need this?
Yet only 2 of 10 Key Performance Indicators were met! Prior to MUSC Excellence
Impact after MUSC Excellence
How does your staff match? Usual percent breakdown of HML staff: High: 30% Middle: 60% Low: 10% – 75% of LPs move to MPs after having HML conversation – 25% of LPs leave the organization
Do you ignore High Performers? “According to a new study by Leadership IQ, 47% of high performers are actively looking for other jobs (they’re posting and submitting resumes, and even going on interviews). While it’s terrible that almost half of high performers are thinking about quitting, what’s perhaps even worse is that low performers want to stay. Only 18% of low performing employees are actively seeking other jobs, and 25% of middle performers are actively looking around”
Ignore negative behavior and it will increaseIgnore negative behavior and it will increase Ignore positive behavior and it will decreaseIgnore positive behavior and it will decrease Performance Leadership
“Let’s just take it a step at a time!” Low Performers!
Impact of Low Performers They Make Us: Exhausted Frustrated De-motivated Embarrassed They Make Our Co-workers & Customers: Angry Complaining Non-supportive …Go elsewhere
Why We Don’t Address Low Performance I don’t want to be the bad guy I feel like they are trying I don’t feel comfortable I don’t like confrontation Just Do It !
A No “But’s” Culture A No “But’s” Culture “ But they are good at their job” “But I had to hire a warm body…there’s no one else” “ But I need them right now!” BUT….BUT….BUT….BUT…….BUT
Identify Identify Coach Coach Take Action Take Action Three Components Use 90-Day Plans!
Identify Three Components Using the scorecard
Coach Three Components Learning effective coaching
How do we want our employees to feel when being coached?
Giving Effective Feedback YOU Your Employee
D E S K Feedback Steps… D E S K 1.Describe the ideal behavior you seek, and share your specific observations. End with a question of how they see things. 2.Explain the impact of their behavior. 3.Show/Tell exactly what needs to be done. 4.Know the consequences if changes do not occur. The McNair Group
The Principles of Effective Communication 1.Focus on the ideal that you want, not on the person that’s not doing it. 2.Maintain the self-esteem of others 3.Work to make things better 4.Lead by Example The McNair Group
Rule of Thumb It shouldn’t take you any longer than 30 seconds to state the reason for your feedback (and then ask a question) If it does, you are talking too much, or you are trying to cover too many things. The McNair Group
Take Action Three Components Talk to HR Use 90-day Plan
Develop the Skill to Talk with LOW Performers Get support - talk with someoneGet support - talk with someone Use Human ResourcesUse Human Resources Role-play before actual discussionRole-play before actual discussion Keep in mind the damage LPs doKeep in mind the damage LPs do Envision how it will be without themEnvision how it will be without them
Practice, Practice, Practice Role PlayingRole Playing Divide into teams of three: Mgr & Employee and ObserverDivide into teams of three: Mgr & Employee and Observer Rotate the rolesRotate the roles The McNair Group
Measurement Team Report August 24, 2007 Team Members John Eilerman Heather Dismuke Chloe Backman Siobhan Buckley Paul LoCicero John Runyon (Leader) Jim Rutan Phil Mauney John True Patrick Wamsley (Sponsor)
Mission Statement The Measurement Team will analyze customer satisfaction data to identify strengths and areas of improvement, thus allowing the Division to align resources, and create action plans focused on improving performance.
What to Survey? Started with more than 115 distinct goods and services Differentiated by impact and frequency of delivery Narrowed to about 30 based on F&A service delivery organization Expanded to 34 in order to sufficiently capture detailed information for complex service delivery units.
Finance & Administration Goods & Services Survey List Engineering & Facilities Housekeeping Grounds Engineering Services Operations/Maintenance Finance Systems & Procedures Budget & Analysis Purchasing & Accounts Payable Grants & Contracts Accounting Controller’s Office Property Control Payroll Cashier’s Office Student Accounting Operations Public Safety HRM Employee Relations HRM Benefits HRM Classification & Compensation Risk Management Professional Liability Workers Compensation Insurance Programs Radiation Safety Office OSHP Administrative Services OSHP Operational Services OSHP Emergency Response Services Shuttle bus Transportation Administration Printing & Copy Services Warehouse Services Mail Services Records Center Parking
Who to Survey? For Services delivered to Departments: 84 Business Managers For Services delivered to Individuals: All MUSC employees and Students
How To Survey Web-based electronic Survey Tool -“Zoomerang.com” Challenge – How to survey, get meaningful information but so not overburden customer base with redundant or lengthy Surveys. Solution 1.Divide Service delivery areas into 5 random groups. 2.Divide Business Managers into 5 random mailing lists. 3.Send each Mailing List one Group of Services to be assessed 4.Rotate the lists and re-do about once every 6 weeks
Customer Satisfaction Survey Started with Draft prepared by the Customer Service and Service Recovery Team. 13 questions, 1 comments box and 1 recognition box. Subsequently reduced to 4 questions with comments and recognition areas retained.
Customer Satisfaction Survey Today
Early Returns Went Live on August 20, Responses by August 22 Actual Results for Parking System: zoomerang.comzoomerang.com
Guest Speaker: Frankie Miller, Dean of Hospitality, Tourism, & Culinary Art Division, Trident Technical College
Quint Studer Video: HML PERFORMERS
Rewards & Recognition
Friday, November 16, 2007 Mark your calendars for LDI 6: