Communicating Farm Family Values What’s Important? What’s Important? Who Cares?
M. Viebrock - WSU Extension VALUES ARE... VALUES ARE... n Things you believe are good, desirable and most important. n Your personal belief of what is worthwhile in live.
M. Viebrock - WSU Extension IDENTIFYING AND PRIORITIZING VALUES All values are important All values are important n Many factors influence and change our values n Values vary among individuals n There are no right or wrong answers
M. Viebrock - WSU Extension Planning for the Future Will they come home to farm? New management style? Will they listen to experience? Will they work from dawn to dusk? What about those spouses? How will change be handled?
M. Viebrock - WSU Extension Generational Definitions AgeYearTitles to 1945 Veterans, Silent, Matures, Traditionalist, Seniors, Pre-Boomers, Builders to 1964 Baby Boomers Personal Gratification, achievers, need to be fair to 1978 Gen X Post Boomers, Baby-Busters, want rewards, all about me! to 2000 Gen Y’s, Millennials, Net Generation (Twentysomethings)
M. Viebrock - WSU Extension VeteransBoomersGen XMillennials CommunicationDeliberateDiplomaticBluntDirect AuthorityRespectedImpressedUnfazedResistant Marketing“If you want it, you can buy it.” “Find out what they want” Ignore the market Interactive Global market High-TechSlide Rule Built infrastructure With hard work Calculator Quick and easy Computer Want to be entertained Internet Integrated life Work & Fun Work Ethic/StyleCommitted Team work & Community Driven Personal fulfillment Balanced Divided Loyalty Casual/TBA Independent Competent ApprovalAs GrantedSeek Validation IndifferentNot necessary Generational Differences
M. Viebrock - WSU Extension Women Running the Farm - Generational Differences - “Dedicate yourself” “Be independent” “Behave like a businessMAN” “Care for your family” “Be a mother” ë Loyalty to the family business is fused with loyalty to the family of origin ë Loyalty competes with family demands Loyalty to “self”
M. Viebrock - WSU Extension Initiating Discussion Why is it so difficult? n Unpleasant overtones connected to growing old and dying n Children don’t want to appear greedy or as trying to take over
M. Viebrock - WSU Extension Someone needs to start the dialog … who will it be? Don’t be put off by family members who are not ready to talk … Don’t be put off by family members who are not ready to talk … They may never be ready and later may be too late! They may never be ready and later may be too late!
M. Viebrock - WSU Extension Continuation of the Family Farm How important is it to you … That the farm remain in your family’s possession? Ponder: Children want to do something different than farm – how do you feel about that?
M. Viebrock - WSU Extension Expectations Related to Transfer Process How important is it to you … That the division of farm property among all children is equal in dollar value? That your children play a part in the decision making for the farm’s future? Ponder: Not everyone in the family is satisfied with the way the transfer occurs? How does this make you feel?
M. Viebrock - WSU Extension Maintaining Control of Farm Decisions How important is it to you … To be involved in marketing decisions throughout your life? To maintain some financial control throughout your life? Ponder: Younger generation wants major decision authority
M. Viebrock - WSU Extension Security for Both Generations How important is it to you … That your retirement wants are protected regardless of the effect on the long term viability of the farm? Ponder: Your children expect your financial help to get established in farming?
M. Viebrock - WSU Extension Concerns About Children How important is it to you … To give financial assistance to children who choose farming as a career? To provide financial assistance to help non-farming children become established off the farm? Ponder: Children may want to decide WHEN to involve you in major decisions.
M. Viebrock - WSU Extension Where does the time go? n It’s time to talk n It’s time to identify what’s important n It’s time to make a plan n It’s time to make decisions n It’s the right time!
Presented by: Margaret A. Viebrock WSU Extension