“FIT FOR THE FUTURE.................. PLAYING YOUR PART” Mandie Sunderland Chief Nurse Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust
What matters to patients? Feeling informed and being given options Staff who listen and spend time with patient Being treated as a person, not a number Patient involvement in care and being able to ask questions The value of support services Efficient processes (Robert et al. 2011) Sources: Patient survey Friends and family Patient stories Complaints Quantitative efficiency measures e.g. LOS, readmission rate
What matters to the NHS? Sources: Preventing people from dying prematurely Enhancing quality of life for people with long term conditions Helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury Ensuring that people have a positive experience of care Treating and caring for people in a safe environment and protecting them from avoidable harm (NHS Outcomes Framework 2012/2013) Sources: Outcome measures e.g. falls, HAPU - dashboards Process measures e.g. compliance with care bundles – audit, Experience measures e.g. surveys, stories Infrastructure e.g. staffing levels and skill mix The evidence is limitless
What matters to staff? The resources to deliver quality care for patients The support I need to do a good job A worthwhile job with the chance to develop The opportunity to improve the way we work (IPSOS MORI 2008) Sources: Staff survey Quantitative measures e.g. retention, short term absence, education Cultural barometer
CAMILLA CAVENDISH REVIEW Announced February 2013 Examine training and support of healthcare assistands Cover NHS and Social Care Recruitment Training Leadership, Management and Supervision Engagement and Support Public Confidence and Assistance Due to report May 2013
Challenges for Nursing Build public trust and confidence in the nursing profession particularly in light of national adverse media coverage Robust Board Assurance – lots of data not much info Professional concerns re nursing practice Nursing largest workforce Biggest pay bill Patient contact 24/7 Efficiency challenge