Maths Workshop Wednesday 22 nd October 2014
Aims: 1.Supporting your children with the basics - finding gaps in learning and bridging them. 2.An introduction to the written Calculation Hierarchy document and progression of written calculation methods. 3.Resources for use at home to support with Mathematics. Mathematics at BIS
Part 1 Supporting children with the basics -finding gaps in learning and bridging them. Mathematics at BIS
The importance of meaning and language. Dave Allen on teaching the time! Understanding the language of mathematics and then applying the correct process to solve a problem is vital. As adults we often make the assumption that children will know or just get basic concepts. This often leads to us missing where the gaps are in their learning. Never assume they will just know it!
Using questioning and discussion with children to find out what they are thinking. 6+5 = 10 How do you respond to this? ‘That’s great’ but how did you work it out? ‘I counted on from 6, oh I got it wrong’ – can they self correct? What do you do if they still think they are right? Go back to what they can do and find the next step. Steps are important for each operation.
Example: steps for addition – How do children learn to add? Combining sets of objects Counting on the amount they are adding from a starting number. Recalling and using number facts. Extending bridging, partitioning and using and recognising patterns. Commutative relationships. Vertical algorithms/column addition
Key Facts And Knowledge Key Facts Challenge Key Fact are important as has been shown but as part of the process. A child needs to have the prior understanding to apply them and use them successfully to calculate and progress further. ‘They may be able to say all the time tables by rote in Year 2 but they are only useful if they can apply them correctly or know what they are doing.’ It is much better if they understand their relationships to addition, fractions and division. When they begin to use the patterns they see intuitively then you can be sure this knowledge is worthwhile’. (Knowledge ladder coming soon)
Key knowledge ladder: Steps that children must know.
Online Resources for support at home Websites sheet Mathematics at BIS
Calculation Hierarchy Document Format for the progression of written calculation methods Has clear progression for the 4 operations – split into phases. Emphasis on developing mental methods that can then support and move on to written methods. It is an aid and helpful guide.
Calculation Hierarchy These are the steps for addition:
Calculation Hierarchy There are diagrams and explanations for each step and how it should be done. Pictures are used initially and visual and physical resources. This moves on to number lines to model the addition process and aid mental addition.
Calculation Hierarchy Number lines are an aid for calculations with the aim that these written methods becoming mental methods. It is at this point where key number facts also become very important to aid the efficiency of mental methods. Children need to know with speed simple number facts. This then allows then to do more complex calculations mentally.
Calculation Hierarchy Other steps after that are to use vertical algorithms to allow larger and more complex calculations to be done. However, their mental methods are still important. Column by column addition would then move into… pure column addition.
Calculation Hierarchy The Calculation Hierarchy can be found in the Mathematics section on the website and in the workshops section. It is easy to navigate with tabs to move you around.
Calculation Hierarchy Challenge (10 mins) As a little refresher and to get you looking at the Hierarchy… Have a quick go at 1 of the calculations below using: Number line method (+/-), Grid method (x), Chunking (divide) Column methods 283 – 136 7 x 26 444 divided by 6
Questions and Feedback We have a feedback form we would like you to fill in. Also, we will be available in the foyer to answer questions for about 30mins
Thank you for coming Mr Iain Hope and Miss Hasina Khanum Mathematics at BIS