Care and support and you
Care Act – national campaign Radio adverts on Smooth, Gold, Magic from 2 February Leaflets posted through doors in Swinton and Cadishead from 9 February Adverts in the Mirror, Best, Real People, Netdoctor during February and March Leaflets to some GP surgeries Getting the right care and support Support for carers Deferred payment agreements
Care Act – national messages Care and support in England is changing for the better. The new Care Act will help to make care and support more consistent across the country. Getting the right care and support for you consistent assessments across England more control of decisions that affect you know how much it will cost to meet your needs and how much the council will contribute
Care Act – national messages Care and support in England is changing for the better. The new Care Act will help to make care and support more consistent across the country. Support for carers Carers assessments Direct payments (personal budgets?)
Care Act – national messages Care and support in England is changing for the better. The new Care Act will help to make care and support more consistent across the country. Deferred payment agreements An arrangement with the council that will enable some people to use the value of their homes to pay for their care costs.
Care Act – local messages Care and support is changing. Assessments will consider the person’s wellbeing and what is important for them and their family. The support they need could be met by something going on in the local community, their family or by care and support services. Carers will be entitled to an assessment and could receive support from the council. A Deferred Payment Agreement will be introduced nationally. Salford already has a deferred payment agreement scheme.
Communications activity National radio and print adverts 10 health centres will receive leaflets Swinton North and Cadishead leaflet drop Web content – about the Care Act and updated content to make it easier for people to find relevant information and Animation on website Briefings
Implications Increase demand and enquiries Will become worthwhile for self-funders to contact the council and therefore need for better access to information to allow for choice and control Some of the national messages over-promise Larger changes happen next year: Cap on care costs Increased capital limits Care accounts Need to manage increased demand and improve our information and advice.
Salford City Council must/ should Proactively provide targeted information and advice at key touch points – bereavement; applying for benefits; diagnosis of long-term condition. Identify people who may benefit from independent financial advice and actively facilitate people to access it Provide information and advice to the whole population
What does the strategy say? We should rationalise information and advice resources: Focus on a smaller number of organisations and websites Identify expert I&A providers for different topics Develop a city-wide I&A network covering all aspects of care, support and wellbeing
What does the strategy say? When a person phones up or visits for information and advice, the worker has a conversation with them. If the person needs more help, the worker knows which organisation is the expert in that area. The worker either gives the person a phone number (signpost them) or put them in contact with (refer them) the expert organisation. Salford Together Centre of Contact is the expert organisation for health and social care.
Improving web content Rationalise web content Services, activities and events directory Approved provider list
Next few months Engagement with stakeholder organisations and workers Co-production and rebuilding of care and support pages on SCC website and other sites identified Recruiting member of staff to help us resolve issues with the directory
Marketing your services Consider your audience: social work staff family members other agencies - GPs Consider what makes you different and what is important to your service users: personal trust relationships
Marketing your services Consider your language: keep it simple tell people what they get, not how your organised Consider what you offer: spectrum of support needs not just the complex support