Curriculum Leadership Course Chemistry Module 5: Managing Curriculum Change Fong Wai Hung
Programme Management Skills Audit Role of Head of Department in Managing Curriculum Change Stage of Development of Learning and Teaching Curriculum audit Experience Sharing on Effective Management Presentation and Summary Break Case Study – Curriculum Planning and Organisation Presentation and Summary
Aims of this course To equip chemistry curriculum leaders with: an understanding of the key role curriculum leaders play in implementing revised chemistry curriculum an understanding of the main components of that role a means of carrying out situation analysis of current capacity to exercise that role effectively an understanding on how to develop action plan an understanding on how to work collaboratively with fellow teachers to improve current practices Reflect critically to solicit the best practices suitable for the revised chemistry curriculum
Driving force behind demands for change Learning to learn – collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking, problem solving Science KLA recommendations – Nuturing interest in science – Emphasizing Scientific Thinking – Develop students to become active learners in science – Helping students to make informed judgements based on scientific evidence – Catering for students with a strong interest and talent in science Information era – more than practical skills Contemporary learning theory – active learning
Science Education Curriculum Framework
Dimensions to change Learning and Teaching Strategies – Searching and presenting information – Inquiry-based experiments – Design experiments / Writing report – Students as video producers – Use ICT for concept building, e.g. KF – Project learning Assessment for learning Fostering values and attitudes …
Change or Not Change? As change threatens existing interests and routines, heightens uncertainty, and increases complexity, therefore though an innovation is worthwhile does not guarantee that it will be adopted or implemented in schools. Source: Ornstein,, A.C. and Behar, L.S. (1995) Contemporary issues in Curriculum. Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon. If enough of individuals go against an innovation, even in a system as centralised as the military, it will likely fail, … (Ellsworth, 1998). Ted Wragg: Each teacher can have up to 1000 interpesonals exchanges in a single day, i.e. change of activity every 5-18 seconds Reflective practitioner – has to stop for a while, take a rest and think what’s next
Managing Curriculum Change How to teach? Needs Assessment Aims and objectives Curriculum audit How to learn? Vision and mission Planning Action Evaluation Aims Prioritizing Curriculum Organisation Assessment for/of Learning Resources T,LT T,LT,S T,LT,S,VP,P P,VP(A),T Action Plan Review / Evaluate Action Plan Modify and Update Action Plan / Develop New Action Plan Professional Development
Roles of Subject Leaders ‘A subject leader plays a key role in supporting, guiding and motivating teachers of the subject, and other adults (like laboratory technicians and teaching assistants). Subject leaders evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning, the subject curriculum and progress towards targets for pupils and staff, to inform future priorities and targets for the subject.’ (TTA National Standards for Subject Leaders)
The importance of subject leadership Role change: from managers of resources to managers and leaders of people QAI evaluation: “Most schools were weak in reviewing the quality of learning and teaching. They were inclined to place too much importance on students' performance in assignments and public examination results, rather than reviewing curriculum implementation and proposing follow-up actions to enhance the quality of learning and teaching.”
Leadership and Management ‘Managers do things right Leaders do the right thing’ (Bennis and Nanns)
The impact of management and leadership Management is focused on maintenance. Leadership is focused on improvement.
Leadership and Management Leadership Have a long-term view Inspire and enthuse colleagues Support professional development Evaluate chemistry schemes of work Agree targets for raising pupils’ attainment Interpret pupil attainment data Analyse pupil attainment data Feedback to colleagues on the outcomes of observations of teaching Ensure that school policies are applied in the department Report to Supervisors on standards in the department Observe teaching Meet with parents to discuss pupil issues Set agenda for department meetings Report to Supervisors on standards in the department Minute department meeting Ensure that internal examinations are set and marked Monitor spending of departmental funding Management
Four key factors to support new teacher leadership 1. A climate that is supportive of teachers as key decision makers 2. Principals or other administrators who are supportive 3. Teachers supporting each other 4. A supportive relationships with colleagues Zinn(1997)
Curriculum Audit and Advancement
The curriculum audit and subject improvement The curriculum audit asks: How well are we doing? What more should we aim to achieve? What actions will enable us to achieve our aim?
The chemistry curriculum audit requires subject leaders to: 1. Judge standards of pupils‘ work 2. Evaluate teaching and learning 3. Lead the improvement strategy
1. Judging standards: tasks Analyse and interpret data on pupils’ attainment in the subject, e.g. S1-3 Science Review with teachers their assessments of progress for classes Sample pupils’ work Discuss work, progress and attitudes with pupils
2. Evaluating teaching and learning: tasks Evaluate the chemistry schemes of work to ensure that they focus on effective teaching and learning Observe teachers and feed back to colleagues Review teachers’ planning
3. Leading sustainable improvement: tasks Lead the department in discussion about priorities Agree targets for raising pupil attainment Develop a strategy for improvement Lead the improvement of teaching quality Lead the review, construction and resourcing of the curriculum
Summary HoDs need clear ideas about what is needed in their department HoDs need to develop concrete strategies to implement changes Implementation needs to be supported by various personnels like the Principal, fellow tecahers, laboratory technicians, teacher assistants and students Work collaboratively Monitoring and providing constructive feedback
Monitoring and Evaluation CBAM: 1.Stages of Concern (SoC) 2.Levels of Use (LoU)
Tactics for making a difference – what you can do Communicate regularly with key people Discuss key ideas often Given constant feedback at all levels, whether it is sought or not Collaborate Seek responsibility Have a critical friend Play a classroom role model for fellow teachers Understand innovations Stick your nose in – know what others are doing Acquire resource materials
Reference Subject leader development programme 3/publications/
School Plan Reference Curriculum Emphases Resource & Support Decisions School Based Curriculum Decisions
Summary Understand your belief about how students learn – design long term goals Create motivation Establish conditions necessary for change Building teachers’ capacities for shared decision making Design new learning activities Implementing Monitoring and evaluation
Certificate of Attendance for Curriculum Leadership Course to be issued on 31 July 2003
Thank You!