Managing Disrespect in the Classroom
Whether in the classroom, on the playground, or elsewhere on campus, disrespect is consistently one of the most prevalent behavior problems reported by teachers and staff in our district.
The purposes of disrespect: to get attention gain control seek revenge to withdraw
Although we may not have the means to eliminate it, here are some strategies to discourage and/or handle disrespectful behavior.
Model respect!! Set a tone of respect in the classroom. Be welcoming to students, make eye contact, and call students by their names. Establish clear guidelines for behavior and clearly explain expectations. Avert disrespectfulness by remaining calm, responding quietly, and maintaining a professional perspective.
Don’t take it personally!! When we respond to acts of disrespect by taking them personally, we can immediately lose control of the situation and weaken our authority. Don’t allow personal comments to sink in. Over time, students will learn that disrespectful behavior does not provoke you to anger.
Use the power of community agreements Conduct Classroom Meetings to address disrespectful behavior in the Classroom. Solicit input from all students by leading the students through a series of questions, such as: What problem are we experiencing? What does that look like in our classroom? How does that affect our learning? What can we do about it? Which solution(s) do we agree to follow?
Classroom Management Plan Use the community agreements to form a classroom management plan. A classroom management plan has two purposes: –To state the rules of the classroom. –To state exactly what will happen if those rules are broken.
Classroom Management Plan cont. Once it’s presented to your class, you’re bound by this contract to follow it every minute of every day without exception! Once it’s presented to your class, you’re bound by this contract to follow it every minute of every day without exception! (If you don’t, you’re breaking your word and your students’ trust.) (If you don’t, you’re breaking your word and your students’ trust.)
Respond consistently Practice “zero tolerance” for disrespect. Don’t ignore it! Start with a polite warning, establish eye contact, and use “do” rather than “don’t” statements. Give the student the opportunity to replace negative behavior with positive choices. Later, discuss the incident with the student quietly, calmly, and privately. Make consequences for future disrespect clear.
Use School policy!! Although minor disrespectfulness may be reversed by using these strategies, rely on school policy to address major behavioral problems. Although minor disrespectfulness may be reversed by using these strategies, rely on school policy to address major behavioral problems. Know your school policies regarding student behavior. Keep yourself and your students safe. Document negative behaviors. Involve other school personnel for team planning, counseling, or other more aggressive actions.
Be patient Accept that changing negative behavior takes considerable time and effort. Helping a student to dispel disrespectful behaviors can be a slow progress. (The commitment of this time and effort can be a worthwhile endeavor!) Students become loyal to persons that treat them with respect, even when they may not deserve it.