“My Student Learning Plan forced me to write a SMART goal about organization that lead me to find success in my classes and life. I’ll continue to set goals in high school because goals brought me to the success I have now.” “The Student Learning Plan helps me know where I want to go, who I want to be, and how to choose my path.” “This made me feel more sure of myself for the next four years and it helped that I got to plan my four years out.” “I hope we get to update this every year because it was definitely helpful!” “This made me feel better about what I want to do in life…that I can get there and it’s worthwhile for me.” “My parents have more faith in me and there’s a different energy to our relationship.” “No one is going to hold my hand. I know I have to work hard to reach my goals and plans for my future.” “Teachers can help us use the tool to stay focused and stay on track!”
breakout session: Got GRIT?
Tea Party Share your card by reading it to your partner Listen to your partner read his/her card Quickly discuss how these cards are related Move to a new partner and go through the same steps. With each new partner talk about any how all the cards are related and what they collectively all might be about Add any new ideas you have based on your prior experiences
Got GRIT? Using the Student Learning Plan for G oal setting, R esume building, I nvestigating careers, and T ools to plan for future success. Changing the Conversation Grace Costantino - ITI Lynnette Harris – DSS Cara Kirby – ISD Samuel Klein - ISD
Agenda Making Connections Exploring the Electronic Tool Making it Work
Our country and our business partners demand graduates who are globally aware, financially literate, creative, adaptable and resilient, collaborative, ethical, problem solvers, critical thinkers, and communicators to accommodate the careers in this new day. These graduates will be the most qualified and highly sought after in the world. They will secure the highest paying jobs and stimulate growth and development in the communities they populate. Thomas Friedman 2012
The Student Learning Plan is designed to capture the whole child – social, emotional, intellectual and physical. It is a dynamic process that helps students identify strengths and interests and explore and identify careers that are aligned to those strengths and interests. Students will set academic, career, and personal goals around these explorations in order to build a plan for their future with the strong support of parents, staff and the larger community.
The Power of Planning School Board Student Achievement Goals Goal 2 Essential Life Skills –Student Learning Plan Virginia Department of Education 8 VAC : –Academic and Career Plan
The Dreams…… Did you know ?
Family Connection Tool Components Goal Setting Career Planning Resume Building Course Planning College Planning
How does this fit within different content areas in your school? How does this tool benefit specific content areas? How could teachers support students with this tool? How can teachers and counselors use this tool together in a lesson? How could this tool benefit a CT with their planning? How can this tool benefit a CT during a parent/teacher conference? How does this tool fit with you planning in you SIP? How could this tool contribute positively to the culture of your school?
Your Turn succeed.naviance.com Account: navtrainer4 Username: counselor Password: trainis
Click on Students link at top of page In the left-hand column under Browse by Grade/Class link, choose Class 2018 (grade 8) from the dropdown menu Click on “S” in the alphabetically listing Choose and click on one of the demo “Students” On left-hand “hot links” click on Family Connection Investigate the tool using the question cards
Student Voice
Reflection PMI
Next Steps What are the challenges to rolling this out in your school? What infrastructure do you already have in place to facilitate the rollout in your school?
Contact Lynnette Harris Project Manager