Training Modules Brought to you by the Idaho State Department of Education and Rachel Bear, Jess Westhoff, Ramey Uriarte, Paula Uriarte, and Chris Butts,


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Presentation transcript:

Training Modules Brought to you by the Idaho State Department of Education and Rachel Bear, Jess Westhoff, Ramey Uriarte, Paula Uriarte, and Chris Butts, Boise State Writing Project Teacher Consultants

“I am convinced that this new generation of state assessments will be an absolute game-changer in public education.” ~Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education Boise State Writing Project

 Created by Norman Webb from the University of Wisconsin in 1997  Designed to align assessments to standards  Adapted by Smarter Balanced to indicate cognitive rigor of assessment items  Can also used to design/evaluate instructional activities Boise State Writing Project

 Purpose: This strategy enables students to collaboratively construct meaning, clarify, and expand their thinking about a text or document.  Great for reading and discussion of informational/explanatory texts or argumentative texts Boise State Writing Project

 Designate a facilitator to guide the process  For each section of the DOK Article: ◦ Take a few minutes to read and record the most significant sentence, phrase and word from each section ◦ Round One: each person share his or her sentence ◦ Round Two: each person share his or her phrase ◦ Round Three: each person share his or her word ◦ Discuss: observations about patterns and distinctions and new insights revealed CLICK HERE TO SEE A VIDEO OF THIS ACTIVITY (stop 2:30)HERE Boise State Writing Project

 On your own: ◦ Create a visual that captures the relationship between the levels of thinking in Bloom’s Taxonomy and Webb’s Depth of Knowledge  (Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating)  With a partner: ◦ Share and compare—update and revise your visual based on discussion with your partner Boise State Writing Project

 Click HERE to see an overview of the next generation assessments.HERE Boise State Writing Project

Last 12 weeks of year* Composed of approximately 40 to 65 questions per content area—traditional selected response, non-traditional selected response, and “constructed response” Uses adaptive delivery) Scores from items that can be scored immediately will be reported, and then updated as scores from those requiring human scoring or artificial intelligence are completed. The summative assessments may be given twice a year. * Time windows may be adjusted based on results from the research agenda and final implementation decisions. COMPUTER ADAPTIVE ASSESSMENT

Last 12 weeks of year* Text Types (Stimuli) Grades 3-5: 50% Literary/50% Informational Text Grades 6-8: 45% Literary/55% Informational Text Grades 9-11: 30% Literary/70% Informational Text Roughly half of the performance tasks for grades 9-11 will assess ELA or math within the context of science or social studies. Time Grade 3: 60 to 90 minutes Grades 4-7: 90 to 120 minutes Grades 8-11: 180 minutes Organization:  research, reading, writing-narrative  research, reading, writing-informational  research, reading, writing-argumentative  research, listening, writing  research, reading, speaking * Time windows may be adjusted based on results from the research agenda and final implementation decisions. PERFORMANCE TASKS ELA Math

Step One (10 minutes): Review your sample assessment on your own. SILENTLY read and make notes on observations, questions, concerns, etc. Step Two (8 minutes): Open discussion at your table—observations, questions, concerns, connections, Depth of Knowledge (DOK), etc. Step Three (15 minutes): Jigsaw Group #1— complete tasks for Assessment Analysis. Be sure each group member knows the sample and analysis well enough to explain it to another group. REMEMBER: focus on skills necessary for completing this task rather than getting caught up in logistics of administering the assessment. Boise State Writing Project

Work in groups of 3-4 at your table to examine the next generation performance task assessment example.  Discuss what students are being asked to do.  Find the Common Core Anchor Standard that matches each skill students are being asked to use.  What are your thoughts about each task? Does it seem worthwhile? How well would your students do if they took this test today? What questions do you have? Boise State Writing Project

In groups of 4-5 (at least one of each color, no more than 2 of the same color) Each group member: – Explain assessment and discussion from Group #1 As a group: – Discuss: What are patterns you see across the different Performance Tasks? – Discuss: What can we do to prepare students to successfully engage in these complex tasks? – Brainstorm instructional activities that could be used to prepare students for these tasks? CLICK HERE TO SEE A VIDEO OF THIS ACTIVITY (start video at 2:30)HERE Boise State Writing Project

Debrief What patterns did you notice among the different performance assessment examples? How do these assessments compare to the types of assessments you currently use in your classroom? What can we do to successfully prepare students to engage in these complex tasks? Boise State Writing Project

References Common core state standards initiative. (2012). Retrieved from Mississippi Department of Education, (2009). Webb’s depth of knowledge guide. Retrieved from: Smarter balanced assessment consortium. (2012). Retrieved from

 Boise State Writing Project Teacher Consultants involved in developing activities in this module: ◦ Paula Uriarte ◦ Cecilia Pattee ◦ Anna Daley ◦ Rachel Bear ◦ Jess Westhoff Boise State Writing Project