Group Projects for an Energy Symposium Fred Loxsom Eastern Connecticut State University
American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment
Climate Action Plan
Green Campus Committee
Energy Research
Campus and Community Outreach Earth Day Activities Speaker Series Student Clubs Recycling Program Service learning in the community
Campus as Laboratory
Submetering and Energy Dashboard
Institute for Sustainable Energy Statewide energy efficiency programs Energy Education programs for secondary schools Employs energy students as interns
Center for Sustainable Energy Studies Endowed Chair in Sustainable Energy Studies Environmental Earth Science Department Position has separate budget, reduced teaching load, and excellent teaching and research space in a new science building.
Sustainable Energy Studies General Education Courses: Global Climate Change Sustainable Energy Sustainable Energy Lab Minor in Sustainable Energy Studies Sustainable Energy concentration in Environmental Earth Science B.S. Major
Sustainable Energy Course General Education – “Science and Society” 250 students in 6 sections Climate change as main indicator of environmental impact. Emphasis on electricity and transportation alternatives.
Emphasis on Solutions
Instruction Mode Lecture Discussion Group Activities All sections now taught by adjuncts One online section
Group Project Campus Sustainability Symposium Poster Solutions not Problems Posters tested in class Three to Five per Group
First Year Posters PowerPoint Presentations Other Formats Pamphlets Digital Posters Song
Second Year Posters only for introductory class PowerPoint presentations for advanced classes
Poster Topics Water Conservation Water Purification Social Marketing & the N2N Challenge Layered Curriculum for Climate Change Truth in Bio-Degradable Product LabelingWind Power in the Education system Sustainable Energy Ideas for Schools How Sustainable Energy is Portrayed in Media
Poster Topics (continued) Building Energy Efficiency Energy Efficient Living High Mass Thermal Heating DIY Home Energy Efficiency Residential Geothermal Heating Carbon Sequestration Geologic Carbon Sequestration Energy Under Our Feet: Geothermal Power
Poster Topics (continued) America Runs on Oil Environmental Impacts of Fossil Fuels The Clean Air Act Why Biofuel? Electric Avenue (The Electric Car) Tesla, The New American Dream (Car) The Long Road Ahead Gas Powered Cars vs Electric Cars
Poster Topics (continued) Pros and Cons of Ethanol as a Renewable Fuel Alternative Hydroelectric Power Tidal Power Genetically Modified Food Up, Up and Away Methane Hydrate Structure Methane Hydrate Resources Methane Hydrate and Climate Change
The Symposium Part of an extended Earth Day Celebration Posters available in the morning Students at their posters in the afternoon Judging in the afternoon PowerPoint Presentations by advanced students in the afternoon Keynote address Award Presentations
Poster Presentations
Poster Judging
Symposium Speaker
Award Presentations
Student Evaluation Instructors distributed anonymous questionnaire to all students. Request evaluations from judges and faculty. Looked for comments in course evaluations. Not a single negative comment about symposium. A few negative comments about working in groups. All students (to varying degrees) enjoyed the symposium and believed the experience was worthwhile.
Faculty Evaluation Met with the instructors to discuss Symposium and the group work required to prepare for it. All instructors agreed that the effort and time was worthwhile because students were enthusiastic about the projects and seemed to learn a great deal from the experience. All instructors wished to repeat the Symposium each year.
A New Group Project Currently piloting “Energy Kit” group project. Group of students given an energy kit. Group learns to use the kit. Gives class presentation based on the kit. Then, gives community presentation based on kit.
Energy Kits Lighting Efficiency Kit (home made) Trash Audit (home made) Wind Turbine Solar Electricity