Career Development Module “My advice for graduates is to make sure you reflect on what you have learnt, both at university and in extra- curricular activity, and be able to articulate it in your applications and at interviews, think about what transferable skills you might have gained and how you’d apply your knowledge and experience to different situations. If you are able to get into that mode of thinking, you will be immediately more attractive to employers.” Carl Gilleard, Chief Executive of the Association of Graduate Recruiters.
Gain work experience for academic credit! Three routes: Student Tutoring in Schools, Colleges and on Campus Student Volunteering (on/off campus) Learning from Work (using existing part-time work) Optional 20-credit module Different, challenging and worthwhile!
Student Tutoring in Schools, Colleges, and on Campus Primary, secondary and special school placements (and opportunities to work with visiting students on Campus). Placements assigned in October. Work in a classroom assistant role using personal enterprise and other skills to plan activities and take on more responsibility Not just for those thinking of teaching career!
Student Volunteering through Students’ Union External placements including: Oxfam, National Trust, Barnardo’s, St Oswald’s etc Working with ‘at risk’ groups – young offenders/people at risk of offending/homeless etc Opportunities include: President, Secretary or Treasurer of ratified Club or Society Work for Courier or Newcastle Student Radio Other internal Students’ Union projects
Volunteering Info Talks History Room, NUSU Building: Monday 9th March - 1-2pm Thursday 12th March - 1-2pm Wednesday 15th April pm Thursday 16th April - 5pm Monday 20th April - 1pm Wednesday 22nd April - 1pm Thursday 23rd April - 5pm Tuesday 28th April - 12pm Wednesday 29th April - 11am All sessions take place in the Martin Luther King Suite, Students’ Union. VISIT the website: OR for more information...and to sign up!
Learning from Work Use part-time term time work you have arranged (paid or unpaid, including self-arranged ‘internship’ or running your own business). Set challenging personal goals reflect on the skills you are developing build a portfolio evidencing your achievements at work The module will enable you to articulate these skills to prospective employers, and push you to achieve more in your workplace.
This year’s Combined Honours students Student Tutoring Eight primary schools, five secondary schools, one Pupil Referral Unit; Volunteering (External) Aquila Way (mentoring for homeless/vulnerably housed); Newcastle ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages); Success4All (learning support); Success4All (marketing assistant); Community service Volunteers Newcastle; Friends in Action North East;
This year (cont)… Volunteering (Internal) Golf Society Secretary; International Development Society Treasurer; Learning from Work (self-sourced) Intern at property management/investment company; Waitress/bartender; Plumber’s mate; Front of House Restaurant staff.
Why do Career Development? Flexible, self-directed learning and reflection; Do something practical, in a different context; Different assessment methods; Challenging – set your own goals to expand your role and take you out of your comfort zone; Promote your subject, gain work experience and an understanding of the skills developed
Skills and Assessment Support through timetabled seminars, tutorials and study groups to: set personal goals carry out appropriate research reflect on your progress develop skills of communication, teamworking and personal enterprise (essential in all graduate roles!) Assessment: Written work based on goal setting and action planning (25% - formative feedback available) Evaluation from supervisor at end of placement (25%) Final Assessed Interview reflecting on skills developed and achievements on placement (50%)
Students said: “I really enjoyed this module and it pushed me out of my comfort zone. I did more for my placement due to this module.” “Well organised, highly effective way of direct teaching (seminars, tutorials etc), good advice for organising non-directed learning, overall a very good module in terms of content and teaching” “I think the module is well structured, my module tutor offered excellent support and the interview process was not as daunting as I expected. Most of all I absolutely loved my placement and I'm really grateful for the opportunity.”
Hear what a previous student thought… 5D8E2EC8E921&v=GvmgfJz82k8&featur e=player_detailpage#t=52s
NCL 2100 Developing Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Employability New and revamped for 2015/2016! A 20 credit module for stage two students. Interested in an entrepreneurial career? Do you want to develop the skills and knowledge to become an entrepreneur? Or are you just interested in becoming more entrepreneurial? Then NCL 2100 is for you! Get the opportunity to work on a live consultancy project for a relevant employer. Using the skills and knowledge you develop create your own start-up project which engages your interests, degree discipline, or just something you are really passionate about! Assessment: Group consultancy project in Semester 1 and a reflective essay and trade fair presentation in Semester 2. For more information or visit:
Career Management Module NCL2010 How do people make career decisions? This module will give you the practical skills & techniques to develop your own career plan Topics include: contemporary career development models; self awareness; understanding the graduate labour market; options with your degree subject; improving applications etc. Assessment consists of a written report in Sem1 and a second report & choice of a video, personal website or blog in Sem2 20 credit module across full year for stage 2 students More information available see below:
What next? Check options with Degree Programme Director Select Career Development through S3P in sign-up week immediately after Easter - must be a first choice module NCL2007 – Career Development for Second Years NCL2100 – Exploring Enterprise etc NCL2010-Career Management Module for Second Years NCL3007 – Career Development for Final Year students NCL3008 – Advanced Career Development (NCL2007 is pre-req) Choose route/organise placement before summer vacation Web: Contact: Volunteering: