“Working to establish the Consulting Engineering Industry as the healthiest in the U.S.”
Objectives 1.Understand the ACEC Life/Health Trust wellness vision 2.Learn who can participate and the benefits of signing up to participate in the wellness program 3.Understand the features of the program 4.Learn what incentive is available to you and how to earn it
ACEC Life/Health Trust WELLNESS Vision The Designed Wellness Program will: Address the unique needs of our members Achieve outstanding health outcomes Distinguish the Consulting Engineer industry as the healthiest in the U.S.
Who can participate? All employees and spouses of your firm are eligible to participate in the Designed Wellness program and will have access to all of the features of the web portal and biometric screenings. Your participation in the program is voluntary.
Confidentiality The program is on a secure web portal and is HIPAA compliant to protect your personal health information. The Trust, your employer and health insurance carrier will NOT receive any individually identifiable medical information. ACEC Life/Health Trust will receive aggregated information about the data collected in order to help identify the current and future health risks in member firms’ employee population.
Goals of the Program Provide you with information about your current health status. Help you set realistic wellness goals. Arm you with tools and resource to help you reach your goals. Each of us can take steps, even small ones, to improve our overall well-being. We hope you will join us by participating in this worthwhile effort.
Program Features
Personal Health Assessment Used to help you identify your current health status and any potential issues and risks survey items Questions change depending on how you respond Takes minutes to complete Stored online in personal account for your review
Biometric Screenings Biometric screenings are a series of health tests that can offer insight about your health status. Screenings take approximately minutes and feature: Measurements of your cholesterol and blood glucose (sugar) levels via a venipuncture blood draw Blood pressure reading Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation, from your height and weight
Preparing for a Screening Fasting is required to produce meaningful results. You should not eat or drink anything, except water, for 9 to 12 hours prior to their screening. Drinking water is highly recommended. Take all medications as directed by your Physician and ask for a non-fasting screening if they cannot fast.
Biometric Screenings Can be completed in 3 ways: onsite screening, at Quest Patient Service Center, or with personal physician. Sign up for onsite screenings or schedule an appointment at a Quest location via the Online Scheduler My.BlueprintForWellness.comMy.BlueprintForWellness.com Wide availability of Quest Patient Service Centers across the nation Physician Form available on web portal
Screening Results The screening results are completely confidential to each participant and will only be uploaded to the Healthyroads web portal to help participants manage their overall wellness. Their individual results will not be shared with ACEC or their company.
Telephonic Health Coaching Gives you the opportunity to partner with a knowledgeable health coach over the telephone who will provide support and education to help you reach your personal health goals One kickoff session (up to 30 minutes) with a health coach to get an overview of the program, set initial goals, and establish a relationship Each additional session lasts between minutes and you can schedule them at your convenience Stay in touch with a coach through the Message Center
E-Coaching Courses After taking the assessment, you'll receive a healthy living score, a report on your health status, and recommended courses designed to help you. Self-guided courses that cover a variety of health and fitness topics including stress management, exercise and healthy living, living tobacco free, pain and productivity, and nutrition and healthy eating. About 10 classes per course and takes about 1 hour to complete a course Take a comprehension quiz and receive a completion certificate
Planners, Challenges, and Preventative Exams Exercise and Nutrition Planners: participants can complete 2 5 points each, create custom plans or use pre- made plans 4 week Health Challenge: administered by the Life/Health Trust for all participating firms Preventive Exam: Use tracker to self-report previous exams and upcoming exams: health maintenance, dental, eye, hearing, skin cancer, etc.
Additional Web Portal Features Health Trackers Health Club Membership Discounts Wellness Library An Expert Blog Wellness Reminders Ask a Coach Online Competitions
Incentive Employees and spouses that are currently covered by the ACEC Life/Health Trust’s medical insurance plan are eligible to earn an incentive for participating in the program and completing specific requirements. Employees and spouses not covered by the plan are not eligible to earn the incentive, but can still participate and use all of the features of the program.
ActivitiesProgram Option 1 $75 per eligible participant Program Option 2 $125 per eligible participant Program Option 3 $150 per eligible participant Complete designated activity and earn Complete each activity and earn Complete PHA & accumulate 30 points and earn Personal Health Assessment Required Biometric ScreeningsRequired Telephonic Coaching 4 sessions 4 sessions*20 points E-Coaching Courses 6 courses*Up to 15 points 4-week Health Challenge Up to 20 points Preventive Exam (self reported) 10 points
Registering for the Program Your program will be launched on Insert Launch Date Visit and click on “Create Account” Input your first name, last name, and date of birth If you have any problems with creating your account, please call the Healthyroads customer service line Once registered, first step is to complete the personal health assessment
Contact Information If you have any technical issues or problems with the web portal, please contact the Healthyroads Customer Service Line am – 8 pm CSTHealthyroadsCustomerService