. Pamela Crawford Dr Eunice Atkins Dr Mario Kolberg
Making the Most of Masters Opportunities for PGT students to undertake work based dissertation projects (WBPs) Funded by the Scottish Funding Council Project is a collaboration between:
What we do: Support and Advice Develop/maintain links with organisations To all stakeholders to understand project lifecycle Stakeholder events e.g. workshops, networking To make procedures sustainable within programmes
Resources MMM Toolkit Educational support Network of colleagues Some (limited) financial support
Advantages for stakeholders Students Understand theory through application Understand reality of applied research Insights into industry practice Knowledge of workplace, develop confidence / independence Develop contacts / network / enhanced employability "One of the main reasons for deciding to progress with a masters at the University of Stirling was not only the strong reputation of the course, but also the opportunity to carry out a work based placement with the Making the Most of Masters scheme. This offers vital experience often missing from similar courses, giving graduates a competitive edge and increasing employability.“ Katrina Shiells, University of Stirling MSc Environmental Management student
Advantages for stakeholders Staff Develop contacts / network / enhanced employability Enhanced reputation for recruitment Increase industry links “Work based MSc projects give a taste to the student of working in the software industry applying their newly acquired knowledge in a commercial setting. They are an ideal preparation for the time after their studies and ease the transition from university into a career.” Dr Mario Kolberg, Programme Director of several IT and Computing Courses, University of Stirling. “Making the Most of Masters is a vital and successful part of our approach to achieving work ready graduates. This initiative has achieved new and important partnerships and networks with employers, given key work-related skills to our students and prepared them for the world of graduate employment.” Professor Ian Simpson, Head of the School of Natural Sciences, University of Stirling
Advantages for stakeholders Employers Opportunity to engage with the University Explore the experience of having a graduate delivering a piece of work Contribute to a new generation of graduates Business development “Making the Most of Masters provided an excellent opportunity to undertake a business development related project with a good student and excellent academic supervision. You felt you were benefiting directly from the project whilst assisting the next generation of young professionals get a flavour of what business is about. All round a very worthwhile and well organised process.” John Ferguson EcoideaM Ltd "Our experience of Making the Most of Masters has been extremely rewarding. The programme provided us with access to potential Graduate Application Developers and it was clear that MMM had worked very hard in preparing students for the commercial workplace. Being based at Stirling University and having a relationship with MMM continues to provide us with a potential and local talent pool. Our internship in 2013 led to the appointment of a Graduate Developer, who has since proven himself to be technically capable and he also has a combination of valuable people skills and a mature awareness of workplace discipline and commercial practices, which are sought by employers in today's competitive marketplace.” Nick Pye, CEO. Youmanage HR Ltd
The Challenges… Staff Engagement Concern for student experience Pre-project discussion Unknown host – what if it does not work out Additional/possibly more time consuming processes Rigorous academic project Staff Engagement Concern for student experience Pre-project discussion Unknown host – what if it does not work out Additional/possibly more time consuming processes Rigorous academic project Management of the experience Cost Showcasing Stirling Collecting data and reporting Management of the experience Cost Showcasing Stirling Collecting data and reporting Student Engagement More risky More challenging Lack of self confidence Student Engagement More risky More challenging Lack of self confidence
Solutions: Embedded Embedding MMM in School Embedding support activity within the school Programme ownership: sustainability and adaptability
Solutions: Bespoke Programmes choose support: match with own needs Projects scoped through Networking Event with external organisations Direct student support: ‘Lift Off!’ Employability (self-reflection) Self-efficacy and confidence
To Learn More For more information about the project visit our website And to keep up to date with the latest news join us Follow us on