Explore what drives people away Understand how our human expectations are sometimes our biggest obstacles Cultivating sensitivity and understanding Learn new tools and learn from each other how best to inform, educate and inspire others
Consistent contact Match closeness or connection Some shared interests Social activity encourages closer relationships P rescriptive vs. youth oriented approach Strong connections early Sufficient mentor training Perceived lack of mentee motivation Continuous agency support Poor relationship skills Unfulfilled expectations
Turning on Your Skills & Tools To Use - Start with a CONVERSATION! - Learn how to REFRAME & rename! - Growth & Learning can be PARALELL PROCESS… notice what you are holding onto.
OOrientation Messages: What are you saying in your outreach? SScreening out those whose expectations are too lofty or unrealistic. DDeliver a training that helps lower expectations while keeping them interested and excited to be involved in something worthwhile. UUnderstand that every interaction can be a good time to correct misconceptions and every interaction with a mentor holds an opportunity to reframe challenges into opportunities.
What are you feeling just before your meet? What happens when you come face to face with your mentee? What does your mentee look like? What do you do on your first visit with each other?
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Bruce Beckwith, Director of Services (212)