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Presentation transcript:


L’alphabet A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Les voyelles E A i U O y

Prononcez… la le lu do mi • fa • si • du • de

Combinations of letters The combination of some letters makes new sounds: A+I = AI A+U = AU E+U = EU O+U = OU O+I = OI EAU sounds like AU (eg: oiseau) In pairs, find at least two examples for each of these combinations


a / e / i / o / u / ai / au / eu / ou / oi Écoutez … / 34 Listen to the text in French, and fill in the gaps using the vowels or combination of letters you have learnt: a / e / i / o / u / ai / au / eu / ou / oi J’_ _ un styl _ n _ _ r, une tr _ _ sse r _ _ ge et _ ne p _ _ re d _ c _ s _ _ _x. _ l _ un crayon j _ _ ne et un r _ se m _ _s il n’ _ p _ s d _ f _ _ tre gr _ s _ _ bl _ _.


in / un / im on / om an / en am / em

Exception If any of these combinations of letters is followed by a vowel or a N/M (so it’s double N or double M) the two letters (eg:O+N) are pronounced separately (therefore, it is no longer a nasal sound) Eg: dictionnaire vs dicton animal vs ans fenêtre vs ventre inutile vs intelligent une vs un comme vs compas

Practice NASAL SOUND OR NOT? ennemi septembre intelligent image impossible poisson onze anniversaire amusant ordinateur

in / im / un / um / on / om / an / am / en / em 12 mins Activité Find at least one word for each NASAL sound in / im / un / um / on / om / an / am / en / em Be careful with exceptions!

Comment dit-on…? OU OI AI AU/EAU EU/OEU ON/OM IN / UN / IM AN / EN / AM / EM

Pronounced final consonant (CaReFuL) Silent final consonants air noir parc nul gros deux sous grand

Silent final consonants Pronounced final consonants Group work Find as many words as you can to fill in both circles. Be careful with exceptions. Silent final consonants Pronounced final consonants (C, R, F , L)

Vowels at the end of words All vowels are pronounced at the end of words EXCEPT « e », unless it has an accent on it: joue / joué It is very important to understand this difference as it often changes the meaning of words Exceptions: if a two-letter word ends with a « e », you have to pronounce it: le, me, de, te, se, ce, je, ne

Le son [é] (‘ay’) é

Boucle d’Or et les trois ours Il était une fois trois ours qui habitaient une petite maison dans une petite forêt. Il y avait papa ours, maman ours et bébé ours. Un jour, maman ours a fait une bonne soupe. La soupe était trop chaude donc les trois ours sont allés faire une promenade dans la forêt. Pendant qu’ils faisaient la promenade, une petite fille s’est approchée de la maison. La petite fille s’appelait Boucle d’Or. Elle s’est arrêtée. Elle a regardé. Puis elle est entrée dedans.

Le son [é] (‘ay’) é

combination of the letters Le son [é] only at the end of a word EXCEPTIONS les des mes tes ses ces ais aient ait ez ai é er In these 6 articles, the combination of the letters E+S makes the sound [é] BUT ONLY in these 6 words ! ê et est

Lisez et écoutez ‘il était une fois, trois ours qui habitaient une petite maison dans une petite forêt’

Les liaisons A liaison is a link between two words: the first word ends in a consonant which is usually silent (other than C, R, F, L) and the second word starts with a vowel or a ‘h’. Examples: trois ours (the ‘s’ becomes pronounced because of the ‘o’ following it) un hôpital (the ‘n’ becomes pronounced because of the ‘h’ following it)

[h] Find as many words starting with a ‘h’ as you can How do you pronounce them? ‘h’ is a silent letter in French

[ ch ] How do you pronounce these words? chocolat / chaud ‘ch’ in French sounds like the English ‘sh’ Do you know any other words with the ‘ch’ sound?

[ ill ] How do you pronounce these words? ‘fille’ / ‘gentille’ / ‘taille’ [ ill ] in French sounds like the English [ y ] as in ‘you’ / ‘yes’ in the middle of a word (not at the beginning → illimité / illégal) Exceptions: mille / ville / village / tranquille Can you find some other words with the combination «ill »?

[ qu ] How do you pronounce these words? quatre / qui [ qu ] in French sounds like the English [ k ] – never pronounce the ‘u’ after a ‘q’ Can you find any other words using the sound [ qu ] ? 5 mins

Reading activity In pairs, read the text page… Make sure you take every phonic rule we have learnt so far into account: 1. vowels sounds 2. combinations of letters 3. nasal sounds (and the exceptions) 4. silent letters at the end of words 5. the [é] sound 6. liaisons 7. h / ch / qu / ill