Sai Seva Sadan 2014 One Time Budget Ask 1/8/2014
Mission Sai Seva Sadan is a nonprofit organization with the mission to provide services to persons with emotional, psychological, developmental and educational disabilities.
History Founder: Mr. Bhasker Mr. Bhasker worked in the AP Govt (now retired) as Director of Industries, and had been successful in implementing some social welfare activities in the scope of his position. Motivated by conversations with his daughter in law in 2006, a psychiatrist who was working as a medical director of long- term residential care facility of Devereux ( a non-profit organization focused on helping developmentally challenged children and adultshttp:// Based on this, Mr. Bhasker started an organization in India to help children/adolescents with mild to moderate learning disabilities living in rural areas. First reviewed and funded by Asha in 2008
Location Hyderabad, India In a commercial area near a large Govt. hospital Their students come from rural areas to this residential school They rent the top two floors of a building
Organization Structure Staff/Paid Positions – Residential and Logistical Full Time Warden/Coordinator - 1 Foster care father - 1 Cook - 1 Helpers - 2 Watchman -1 – Residential and Logistical Part Time Psychiatric Doctor (Daily visit) - 1 – Educational Full Time Special Education teachers – 4 (7:1 student/teacher ratio) Speech Therapist – 1 (rotates among all 30 students in batches) – Educational Part Time Vocational Teacher Drawing Teacher Tabla Master Yoga Teacher Mr. Bhasker oversees the organization as Chairman/Managing Trustee; is not paid by the organization
Activities Primary goal is to allow the individuals to grow and function in society with dignity and when possible, teach them vocational skills needed for an income Residential school provided free of charge to 19 students – Rehabilitation and education Physiotherapy and rehabilitation (in house or remote as needed) Speech therapy Basic skills and education tailored to the individual student Extra-curricular activities Vocational training – Boarding and medical care Three square meals and other daily needs Medical care as needed including a daily visit by a local doctor and trained psychiatrist
Activities Day Scholar program (free of charge) added at Asha’s urging for academic year – 10 students – Same daily activities as residential students; lunch is provided Currently, parents/caregivers drop off and pick up students There is additional demand from families where both parents work and cannot afford the time/cost for drop-off and pick-up
Site Visit – 12/13 “In general, I came away with a very positive impression of how the school is run”
Ask - Overview Purchase a vehicle for transporting children to and from the school – Can serve 15 additional students Demand estimate based on inquiries about transportation when the day scholar program was started – Full utilization of the existing facilities – lower cost per child – Increased enrollment of 44 will also help their current petition for Government land for the school
Ask – Overview
Ask – Details Cost of Vehicle: INR 7,78,667 – Official quote from a dealer including tax, we have a copy of the quote – INR 35,000 discount – The ask is for this amount: INR 7,43,667 ($11,994)
Ask - Details Recurring annual costs – Cost of driver: INR 9000 pm – 1,08,000 annual – Cost of fuel: INR 120 per day – 30,000 annual Estimated, may change – Misc costs (reg, repair): 20,000 annual – Additional teachers: 2 - INR 1,92,000 annual – Will raise funds here and locally – Believe that lower cost per child overall will make this worthwhile
Ask – Details Cost of Vehicle: INR 7,78,667 – Official quote from a dealer including tax, we have a copy of the quote – INR 35,000 discount – The ask is for this amount: INR 7,43,667 ($11,994)