Everyone is unique. Different in your own way. What makes you different?
Traits passed on through genes from generation to generation. Include: Physical (Appearance) Medical You have no control over these!!!
PHYSICAL Objects around you. Where you live. PSYCHOLOGICAL Attitudes expressed by people around you.
Behaviors Beliefs Languages Passed from generation to generation Foods Holiday traditions
Native Americans: original Americans European Americans: Asian-Americans African-Americans Hispanics
Your personality results from a special blending of your heredity, environment, and cultural heritage. Personality is the total of all the behavioral qualities and traits that make up an individual. Includes: feelings, thoughts, speech, way you relate to others.
Inner traits such as conscience, moral strength, and social attitudes. Begins in toddler years. Inner control that tells you to reform to societal norms. Empathy means you understand how others feel even when their own personal feelings may differ.
View you have of your self. Largely influenced by the people around you and the way you interpreted their behaviors toward you. Positive= see yourself as lovable and worthwhile. More likely to grow personality if you have a positive self-concept.
Be realistic about your expectations Realize no one is perfect. Don’t be afraid to fail. Look for positive relationships Find things you enjoy doing, and do them. Develop a sense of humor!
How you feel about yourself. Your self-worth If you feel you are worth while person, it will show in your relationships with others. Those who lack self-esteem think little of themselves.
In mid-evil times, families developed a cress, or shield to represent their families. You are to create a shield/cress today that represents you as an individual. Do not put your name on the front. We are going to hang them up, and do something else with them. Please make them colorful, you may even cut them out if you want.