Fernando Martínez-Vidal IFIC, Universidad de Valencia-CSIC Concurso-Oposición CSIC 29 de Septiembre de 2004 BaBar & SuperB Fernando Martínez-Vidal IFIC,


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Presentation transcript:

Fernando Martínez-Vidal IFIC, Universidad de Valencia-CSIC Concurso-Oposición CSIC 29 de Septiembre de 2004 BaBar & SuperB Fernando Martínez-Vidal IFIC, Universitat de València-CSIC IN2P3-MICINN meeting January 12, 2008, Madrid

MCCIN-IN2P3 Meeting, Madrid, 12 nd May, 2008 F. Martinez-Vidal. BaBar & SuperB 2 Final collisions 12:43pm, Monday 7 Apr 2008 Runs 1-4 Runs published as today 475M Y(4S)  BB

MCCIN-IN2P3 Meeting, Madrid, 12 nd May, 2008 F. Martinez-Vidal. BaBar & SuperB 3 ×10 enhancement of world sample of Y(3S) & Y(2S) decays Enhance knowledge on spectroscopy –Missing SM  b (nS), h b (nS) –Look for surprises Search for exotic physics, like –Light dark matter candidate  –NMSSM light Higgs a 1

MCCIN-IN2P3 Meeting, Madrid, 12 nd May, 2008 F. Martinez-Vidal. BaBar & SuperB 4 First strong evidence of D0-D0 mixing (May’07) Unexpected discovery of many new states: +  b (Aug’08) [many of these already published]

MCCIN-IN2P3 Meeting, Madrid, 12 nd May, 2008 F. Martinez-Vidal. BaBar & SuperB 5  b decays mostly via two gluons, exclusive modes not known Search for bump in photon energy spectrum Consistent with M1 transition ( )

MCCIN-IN2P3 Meeting, Madrid, 12 nd May, 2008 F. Martinez-Vidal. BaBar & SuperB 6 IFIC, University of Valencia-CSIC (5) –1 Faculty, 2 PhD Staff, 2 Grad University of Barcelona (2) –1 Faculty, 1 Grad LAPP-Annecy (7) –1 Faculty, 2 PhD Staff, 4 Grad Ecole Polytechnique (5) –1 Faculty, 2 PhD Staff, 1 Non-PhD Staff, 1 Grad LAL, Orsay (24) –8 Faculty, 1 PhD Staff, 8 Non-PhD Staff, 7 Grad Saclay (6) –4 PhD Staff, 2 Non-PhD Staff Univ. Paris VI & VII (10) –4 Faculty, 1 PhD Staff, 5 Grad 24 PhD (8.8%) 4 PhD (1.2%) OCF 09 count (based on October 2008) Operating Common Fund Basis

MCCIN-IN2P3 Meeting, Madrid, 12 nd May, 2008 The “core” Physics Analysis Program (Intense Analysis Period, ) + Y(nS) Physics (SM & Exotics) Precise extraction of D  Ke,  e, KKe, K  e form factors (LQCD) LAL Publications: PRD 76, (2007), PRD 78, (2008), Eur.Phys.J.C52, 975 (2007) D0 mixing and CPV in D  K S  +  -, K S K+K- (Dalitz method, golden) Measurement of CKM angle  with GLW, ADS and Dalitz (golden) techniques BaBar  combination (Dalitz+ADS+GLW) LAL, LAPP, Ecole Polytech., Paris VI&VII Publications: PRL 95, (2005), PRD 78, (2008), PRD77, (2008), PRD78, (2008),… Measurement of B0 and B+ lifetimes, B0 mixing, and observation of CP Violation Paris VI&VII, LAPP, LAL, Ecole P., Saclay Publications: PRL 87, (2001), PRL87, (2001), PRL 88, (2002), PRD 66, (2002),…

MCCIN-IN2P3 Meeting, Madrid, 12 nd May, 2008 F. Martinez-Vidal. BaBar & SuperB 8 Estudios fenomenológicos y análisis de datos en el experimento BaBar de la Factoría de B’s de SLAC (EEUU): violación de CP, retorno radiativo y Física del quark charm CICYT-IN2P , CICYT-IN2P F. Martinez-Vidal, IFIC, Valencia – A.M. Lutz, LAL Estudio de las desintegraciones semileptónicas de hadrones charm en el experimento BaBar. MCCIN – IN2P (NUC ) A. Oyanguren, IFIC, Valencia – P. Roudeau, LAL Bilateral funding (history) R-ratio measurement in the BaBar experiment CICYT-IN2P3 2004, E. Grauges, UB – M. Davier, LAL Producción de estados excitados en las desintegraciones semileptónicas de los mesones B y estudio de los sucesos con 4 jets CICYT–IN2P3 PP99-1 ( ) J. Salt, IFIC, Valencia – P. Roudeau, LAL Estudio de la probabilidad de desintegración Z  bb y de las oscilaciones de los mesones B0- B0 mediante técnicas de análisis multidimensional CICYT–IN2P3 PP89-1 ( ) A. Ferrer, IFIC, Valencia – Ch. De la Vaissiere, Paris VI&VII BaBar DELPHI …among others

MCCIN-IN2P3 Meeting, Madrid, 12 nd May, 2008 F. Martinez-Vidal. BaBar & SuperB 9 If there is New Physics at the TeV scale it must have a flavor/CP structure NP must couple to the SM, and the SM violates flavor New heavy quanta can be detected through precision measurement of processes involving loop diagrams Statistics of O(50 ab -1 ) is necessary to reduce the experimental error below the theoretical uncertainty for the most sensitive analyses Physics reach is complementary to LHCb:  many rare decays are not accessible at LHC  sensitivity to off-diagonal term of squark mixing matrix  test of LFV in  decays BaBar  SuperB/SuperBelle luminosity to have measurable effects (anyhow) if NP particles are at EW scale luminosity to have measurable effects (anyhow) if NP particles are at TeV scale

MCCIN-IN2P3 Meeting, Madrid, 12 nd May, 2008 F. Martinez-Vidal. BaBar & SuperB 10 Crab waist scheme Small crossing area IP The accelerators

MCCIN-IN2P3 Meeting, Madrid, 12 nd May, 2008 F. Martinez-Vidal. BaBar & SuperB 11 SuperB/SuperBelle BASELINE OPTION New detector elements (BaBar) Quite similar for SuperBelle (but larger backgrounds) –Photon detection for DIRC quartz bars –Forward PID system (TOF or focusing RICH) –Forward calorimeter crystals (LSO) –Minos-style scintillator for IFR –Electronics and trigger –Computing – large amount of data Babar/Belle has been proved excellent detectors for B-physics  Use same approach and reuse many elements Moderate R&D and engineering required –Small beam pipe technology –Thin silicon pixel detector for first layer (~1 cm, <0.5%X 0, ~100  m) –Drift chamber CF mechanical structure, gas and cell size –Photon detection for DIRC quartz bars Better vertexing & better hermiticity important for many measurements

MCCIN-IN2P3 Meeting, Madrid, 12 nd May, 2008 F. Martinez-Vidal. BaBar & SuperB 12 6 layers at radius from 1.3 cm to 14 cm, 4× more readout channels than in SVD2 (BELLE): Speed! 2 layers of pixel detectors 4 layers of strips Beam-pipe (r=1cm) SuperBelle Vertex Detector SuperBelle has adopted DEPFET as the technology for the pixel detectors

MCCIN-IN2P3 Meeting, Madrid, 12 nd May, 2008 F. Martinez-Vidal. BaBar & SuperB 13 Spanish contribution DEPFETs Collaboration Goals: Use DEPFET sensors in ILC vertex detector Recently, use DEPFET in SuperBelle as intermediate project

MCCIN-IN2P3 Meeting, Madrid, 12 nd May, 2008 F. Martinez-Vidal. BaBar & SuperB 14 SuperB Vertex Detector 40 cm 30 cm 20 cm Layer0 Layer Radius cm cm cm cm to 12.7 cm to 14.6 cm Layer Radius cm cm cm cm to 12.7 cm to 14.6 cm The BaBar SVT technology is adequate for r > 3cm: use design similar to SuperB SVT Layer0 is subject to large backround and needs to be extremely thin: > 5MHz/cm2, 1MRad/yr, < 0.5%X0 Striplets option: mature technology, not so robust against background. Moderate R&D needed on module interconnection/mechanics/FE chip (FSSR2) CMOS MAPS option New & challenging technology Can provide the required thickness Existing devices are too slow Extensive R&D ongoing (SLIM5- Collaboration) on 3-well devices 50x50um 2 Hybrid Pixel Option: tends to be too thick. An example: Alice hybrid pixel module ~ 1% X0 Possible material reduction with the latest technology improvements Viable option, although marginal Layer 0 Layers 1-5

MCCIN-IN2P3 Meeting, Madrid, 12 nd May, 2008 F. Martinez-Vidal. BaBar & SuperB 15 Plans for SuperB/SuperBelle  We are interested to contribute to SuperB and/or SuperBelle  Good projects for vertex detector construction (as intermediate project before ILC), with similar schedules  SuperBelle: Layers 1-2, DEPFETs (~ )  DEPFET Collaboration  SuperB: Layers 1-5, strips, FE chips (~ )  Good experience and infrastructure, lack of man power (yet)  Very interesting luminosity domain (L>50 ab -1 ) to explore between ~  Decisions to be taken during 2009, for project applications in 2010 B  M H + =350 GeV Higgs-mediated NP in MFV at large tan 

MCCIN-IN2P3 Meeting, Madrid, 12 nd May, 2008 F. Martinez-Vidal. BaBar & SuperB 16 Venue for the June 2009 BABAR collaboration meeting Valencia June 22nd to 25th, 2009

MCCIN-IN2P3 Meeting, Madrid, 12 nd May, 2008 F. Martinez-Vidal. BaBar & SuperB 17 R D : (3.03  0.16  0.10) x x’ 2 : (-0.22  0.30  0.21) x y’: (9.7  4.4  3.1) x Best fit Best fit,  ’ 2 ≥ 0 + No mixing: (0,0) 1 – CL = 3.17 x (1  ) 4.55 x (2  ) 2.70 x (3  ) 6.33 x (4  ) 5.73 x (5  ) Contours at 1  intervals The no-mixing point is at the 3.9  contour Analysis of the proper time distribution of WS events permits extraction of D 0 mixing parameters y’, x’ 2 Evidence confirmed by Belle and CDF