Text Summary 1.2: Why did the Germans hate the Treaty of Versailles so much?
What kind of treaty were the Germans expecting? Germans knew peace would come at a price They hoped the price would not be too harsh This was because …
Germany had a new democratic government To make peace the Allies demanded … –removal of Kaiser November 1918 –democratic government January 1919 … so Germans thought the new government could not be blamed for the war
The new republic needed support Social Democrat leaders expected problems establishing a democratic government Assumed Allies would try to help them Made it clear a harsh treaty would make it very difficult to establish a stable government
President Wilson believed in a fair treaty Wilson would be main force in talks Believed treaty should not be too harsh Believed harsh treaty would leave Germany wanting revenge Fourteen Points
Germany was not to blame for war Germany felt all countries were equally to blame Did not expect to be made to accept guilt A view from the time
What kind of treaty did the Germans get? Treaty terms Emphasis was on punishing Germany French wanted to weaken Germany Germany not invited to talks Treaty presented to Germans Germans had no choice – refusal to sign = back to war