Anger, How to Avoid It DR GURBAKSH SINGH
We have all experienced pleasant feelings when our achievements, services, scholarship or other virtues are recognized and good words are said about us. Most of us might have also been upset over offensive words about ourselves from someone. We lose our temper and retaliate with harsh words of our own.
We lose our temper and retaliate with harsh words of our own. We commit the offence of using such words only when we are angry. During a casual dialogue, if we are not angry and our temperament is normal, we express our differences in acceptable, perhaps forceful but not harsh words.
Remember! When anger is on, One loses ones’ senses, right or wrong. Anger, like alcohol, is well known to suppress our rational behavior. In some ways it is even worse. A sudden and steep rise of anger is an involuntary act, it takes control of our senses in seconds.
Personal experience My friend and I once learned a very valuable lesson to control or at least reduce the influence of anger on our minds so as to be able to bear it. After our final B.Sc. examination, we went to see Sant Teja Singh One day when we came out of the gurdwara and were walking through the outer porch, two people sitting there made some comments in Panjabi to ridicule us.
First: Do you know that the Sant has brought two educated parrots. Second: Yes, I was told they are BA pass. First: That is why they say ‘kit bit, kit bit’. Second: Let us see how quickly they fly away (leave Sant).
We heard these oblique comments making fun of our education but we kept mum, being very new to the people and the place. We were, of course, very angry. When we reached home, we reported the matter to Sant ji. )
He ordered us, “Sit in that corner and repeat one hundred times the hymn – Anyone, who believes that he is not good and none other is bad, overcomes the turbulence in his mind." (p. 728
Advice “You yourself must always move on the right path. Do not mind such criticism. When you do not react, such people, on their own, will feel ashamed of their immoral/unsocial act, and they themselves will give it up later.
Maybe, some people will continue to stick to their bad habit, but even then you do not get involved with them. In that case they may hurt only themselves but not you.”
You must learn how to control you anger… Learn to forgive…to avoid situations…