More than 1.2 million people worldwide suffer from end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in their kidneys Increasing at 6-7% annually Require hemodialysis therapy: › 3 treatments per week › 4-5 hours per treatment › Removes toxins from blood
Miniaturization of hemodialysis Higher efficiency Potentially wearable, implantable Longer duration, 8-hour daily treatment › Less physically intensive › Also better mimics natural kidney function
Downscaling the device increases the surface-to-volume blood contact ratio inside blood flow channels Increased risk of blood clotting
Coat the surfaces of interest with polyethylene oxide (PEO) brush layers PEO in a brush configuration (coating) has been shown to prevent proteins from adsorbing to surfaces HYDROPHOBIC HYDROPHILIC PEO PBD HYDROPHOBIC SURFACE
Coating the microchannel surfaces of the hemodialyzer with a PEO layer can be accomplished with the use of triblock copolymers of the form “A-B-A” where: › the “A” block is PEO › the “B” block is a polymer chain that will bind permanently to the underlying material This must be accomplished without the use of harsh chemicals and without compromising the integrity of the underlying material Portable hemodialysis device will be constructed out of polycarbonate, material of primary interest
Coat polycarbonate samples with PEO Evaluate PEO brush layer quality: › Challenging with protein › To find and develop a consistent method of exposing test surfaces to protein and then be able to quantify any protein adsorption on polycarbonate samples Characterize the “PBD” triblock
Previous work: › Protein staining techniques Protein detection: › Contact angle › Enzyme adsorption assay Triblock characterization: › Tensiometry
Contact angle to detect presence of protein on a surface Place a drop of water on test surface Hydrophobicity of surface affects how the water drop “sits”
Used glass microscope slides as model surface to determine if contact angle is sufficient in determining surface changes Ran 4 sample types: › Bare › Bare + bovine serum albumin (BSA) › PEO coated › PEO coated + BSA
Coated test surfaces with PEO as appropriate › Prepared solution of PEO containing triblocks in water › Placed polycarbonate in solution › Irradiated and rinsed Exposed test surfaces to the enzyme β-galactosidase as appropriate, to gauge potential for non-specific protein adsorption › o-nitrophenyl-β-galactoside (oNPG) when in the presence of β-galactosidase reacts to form oNP and glucose › oNP turns yellow when the pH is raised above 7, allows for indirect detection of enzyme, if present at the test surface
Exposed all test surfaces to oNPG solution to check for enzyme presence Resulting oNPG/oNP solutions from each sample surface were extracted and the pH of the sample solutions were raised
Used rectangular polycarbonate strips as testing surface Ran 10 sample types: › BareBare + enzyme › IrradiatedIrradiated + enzyme › PBDPBD + enzyme › F108F108 + enzyme PEO coated › PBD + F108PBD + F108 + enzyme PEO PBD PEO PPO “PBD”“F108”
Characterization of triblock solution Determining the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of triblocks in solution Unimers adsorb, aggregates do not Below CMCAbove CMC, micelle
Determine the CMC by measuring surface tension at increasing concentrations of triblocks in the solution Surface Tension Concentration CMC
Contact angle was not sensitive enough to detect protein adsorption Enzyme detection assay was sensitive enough Work so far shows that treated surfaces can prevent protein adsorption: › implies presence of PEO on the polycarbonate › This confirms the hypothesis and indicates that PEO can indeed be placed on polycarbonate surfaces using polymer triblocks
Optimize triblock adsorption conditions: › Solution concentrations › Exposure times › Radiation dosages Test in microchannel dialyzer
Special thanks to: Dr. Joseph McGuire Dr. Karl “Rat” Schilke Dr. Woo Kul Lee Joshua Snider Keely Heintz Rose Felber Julie Auxier Dr. Kevin Ahern Howard Hughes Medical Institute URISC NIH R01EB011567
Osmotic pressure: › Crushed the layer down when protein comes › Creates higher concentration of PEO › Creates an osmotic pressure/imbalance › Water wants to rush in and re-establish the regular brush layer configuration(?) and then pushes the protein away