Warm up What questions would you ask your mom who just fell in the kitchen while cooking; and what words of consolation can you tell her. (write a minimum five sentences)
* When someone get hurt… Let read the text on p. 138 Do # 17 To inquire: Comment ça s’est passé? How did it go? Comment s’est passée ta journée? How was your day? Comment s’est passé ton week end? How was your week end? Comment se sont passées tes vacances? How was your vacation?
To express frustration: it était incroyable! it was unbelievably bad! J’ai passé une journée horrible! I had a terrible day! C’est pas mon jour! It’s just not my day! Tout a été de travers! Everything went wrong! Quelle journée!/ Quel weekend! What a bad day!...weenkend! ** Do # 18, Cd 5, Tr. 6 ** How to pronounce “ Incroyable”; not in
Introduction to passé composé with étre You already know how to form the passé composé with avoir by using the present tense form of avoir and the past participle of the verb you want to use. However, some verbs use être instead of avoir as the helping verb in passé composé. Most of those verbs are verbs of motion, such as tomber, aller, arriver, and sortir. Using être as a helping verb (auxilary), the past participle has to agree with the subject of the verb.
je suis tombé(e) nous sommes tombé(e)s tu es tombé(e) vous êtes tombé(e)s Il/elle/on est tombé(e)s ils/elles sont tombé(e)s ** you will also use être to form the passé composé of all reflexive verbs. je me suis levé(e) nous nous somme levé(e)s tu t’es levé(e) vous vous êtes levé(e)s Il/elle/on s’est levé(e) ils/elles se sont levé(e)s * Do # 21 p. 140 * Do pp Act. 5-9/ or handouts *Changing Gear: Copies of the song “ a la fontaine (listening activities, level 1, page 34) Look music link… Homework/ Exit!!