Targeted Services Martyn Stenton Area Head of Targeted Services (SE Leeds)
Starting point... What’s it like to be a child or young person growing up in SE Leeds…..and how do we make it better ?
Family Risk Factors Poor parental supervision Harsh/erratic discipline Parental conflict Separation from a biological parent Anti-social parent Low income Poor housing
Risks for Young People Leaving school with few qualifications Involvement in crime Alcohol & drugs Poor mental health Homelessness Pregnancy/fatherhood
Protective Factors Social bonding Clear standards of positive behaviour Involvement in family, school & community Positive role models Clear, high expectations Social & thinking skills Recognition & praise
Experience of the education system and labour market Society and culture in which we grow up Relationships with parents and families Experiences with peers and in leisure time or put another way…
Leeds : The Child Friendly City
180,000 children and young people in Leeds One vision, One partnership, One Plan - CYPP 5 outcomes, 12 priorities and 3 obsessions 25 clusters in Leeds (8 in SE Leeds) Up to 75,000 people working with children and young people
CAUTION!- This report is based on in-year data that is still being validated. It is designed to be used by partners to help track progress towards our three shared priorities. It must not be used for any external purpose without prior approval of the Children’s Trust Board. Children looked after as at: 19/02/13 - NEET as at: 22/02/13 - Absence as at: week commencing 11/02/13 Obsession Latest position this week Change since last week % change over last 12 months Change over last 12 months 12 month trend Safely reduce the number of children looked after 1381 Reduce the number of young people who are NEET 1470 Reduce school absence: primary 4.8%n/a Reduce school absence: secondary 7.6%n/a -57 Weekly obsessions tracker XX
25 multi agency cluster partnerships ( engaging early start, schools, other children’s services and other community services ) Support and co-ordination from a Targeted Services Leader (TSL) in each cluster Common Internal Record paperwork and Common Assessment Framework to support co-ordinated work Range of staff in universal settings and cluster teams Cluster support and guidance arrangements Cluster ‘top 100’ methodology - identify and co-ordinate support for vulnerable children and families Swift access to support and intervention services where there is a need Elements of early intervention work
Cluster Based Working Targeted Services Leaders Attendance staff Area/City-wide Services Family Intervention Services - intensive family support Multi Systemic Therapy (MST) Family Group Conference Service Youth Offending Service (YOS) Families First Programme Team Integrated Processes Team Targeted Services
Cluster Based Working o 25 clusters in Leeds, 8 in SE Leeds: Ardsley and Tingley, Beeston Cottingley and Middleton, Brigshaw, Garforth, JESS (Beeston Hill, Holbeck, Belle Isle and Holbeck), Morley, Rothwell, Templenewsam Halton o Services typically involved: schools, children’s centres, health, voluntary sector, police, attendance, housing, ASB, social work service o Each cluster supported by a local resource eg. Cluster Manager and family support staff o Elected Members and Local Authority Partners (senior manager from Children’s Services) identified to work with each cluster
National Programme (Troubled Families), interpreted locally as Families First, delivered locally primarily through clusters Crime, ASB, Worklessness and School Attendance + local factors Working with 2180 families over 3 year programme Working with = assessment and lead practitioner in place Element of Payment by Results when we can demonstrate positive change – 450 families claimed for year one to July 2013 Programme Board in place, year one implementation underway, year two cohort being identified National Government commitment to extend this beyond 2015 and increase number of families involved Families First