Special Programs Presentation Nano-Satellite Program Exploring Frugal Engineering in India Living Lab in the Communities
Slide 2 Nano-Satellite Program Nano-sats are small satellites with a mass below 10kg Designed with some propulsion system on-board, attitude control, communications & computational system, power systems and payloads Challenge to design because the space environment is harsh Excitement is to see the launch of the satellite that you designed Road to launch is interesting and fraud with challenges but they are real engineering tasks
Slide 3 Educational program with research components Collaborators are DSO, SSTA, EDB, DSTA + NASA (hopefully) In the longer run, the program will include student exchange to some Universities with well established satellite programs, internships overseas, competitions and conferences Why a satellite program at NUS? Satellites offer rich opportunities for integration of technologies across various sub-disciplines in EE Also a natural cross-disciplinary platform for EE and ME students to work together There are real design issues to be solved – train engineers to design for other complex engineering systems, not just satellites
Slide 4 AY2011/12AY2012/13AY2013/14AY2014/15 Now Sem 2Sem 1Sem 2Sem 1Sem 2Sem 1Sem 2 Year 1 Recruit for DCC Special module A Recruit for DCC Special module Recruit for DCC Special module …… Year 2 Not for you Recruit for next AY Special module B Special module C ………… Year 3 Recruit for EE2001 EE2001 EE3031 or EE3032 EE3032, SEP or int’nship EE3031 or EE3032 EE3032, SEP or int’nship …… Year 4 FYP Total number of students : 15 Special modules A, B and C are related to satellites
Slide 5 Year 1 Students – Join as DCC students Year 2 Students – Recruitment starts only in sem 2 AY2011/12 Year 3 Students – Recruiting now for EE2001 in sem 2 AY2011/12 Summary of who are eligible Special module A : initial design experience on building a balloon-based system (build and fly a balloon based system and experience the challenge) Special modules B & C : physics of satellite orbits, introduction to subsystems in a satellite, read in Year 2 for DCC students
Slide 6 Exploring Frugal Engineering in India Frugal Engineering (FE) is a philosophical approach to designing products for customers with very low purchasing power (BOP/MOP) Not about stripping away features to reduce cost but it is about complete re-design and innovations in a product which will benefit a large segment of the community Practice of FE encourages critical thinking required to conceptualized products which maximizes value to its customers In order to be successful frugal engineers, it is impt that you engage with the communities who will be the target users of the product that you are going to design
Slide 7 When is the field trip to India? Program duration : 5 – 30 December 2011 First week : 5 – 9 December (attend workshop in Singapore) Next 3 weeks : 10 – 30 December (time spent in India) Place : Outside Mumbai, India (all expense paid trip) Students register for a 2MC module (EE3030A) for the field trip Who are eligible to apply? Year 2 Students – Reading EE3031 in sem 2 AY2011/12 Year 3 Students – Reading EE2001 in sem 2 AY2011/12 Return to NUS to prototype or to carry our further studies on your ideas
Slide 8 Living Labs in Communities in Singapore Students spend 3 to 4 weeks in the Singapore General Hospital Idea is similar to the FE trip to India Students attached to the Rehabilitation Centre in SGH Work with doctors and therapists to understand part of their work Engage with patients to observe how they interact with equipment, assess the functionalities of existing equipment, understand patients’ experience when working on the equipment, etc Conceptualize or re-design equipment which are better than the existing ones
Slide 9 When is the attachment at SGH? Program duration : During the December holidays and possibly extending into 2012 (depends on how students are scheduled) Program Details : A schedule will be drawn up for the attachment at the SGH Rehabilitation Centre Students register for a 2MC module (EE3030B) Who are eligible to apply? Year 2 Students – Reading EE3031 in sem 2 AY2011/12 Year 3 Students – Reading EE2001 in sem 2 AY2011/12 Students expected to prototype their designs or carry out further investigation on their ideas
Slide 10 How to Apply for these Programs? Will send out an application form after this Submit application by 21 October 2011 May call for interviews and decision to be made by early November Welcome Mechanical Engineering students to apply as well.
Slide 11 Orbit AltitudeSun-synchronous with altitude about km Mass< 120 kg Micro-Satellite Class Physical Dimension0.6mx0.6m at the base and 0.8m in height Attitude Control3 axis stabilized to 0.35o accuracy (no propulsion) Solar Panel2 Deployable & 1 fixed panel (0.82 m2) PowerMaximum 240 watts TT&CS Band (CCSDS Protocol) Payload DownlinkX band BatteryLi-Ion Type (13.5 Ahr capacity) XSAT Primary Payloads The primary payload is an electro-optical instrument (camera) Some XSAT parameters
Slide 12 Nano Satellite Activities
Slide 13 Jaipur Knee Design Revolution Roadshow Tree Climber