Good or Bad, Mothers Make a Difference Today, our Nation celebrates Mother’s Day. It is not only appropriate to recognize our mother’s but to appreciate the significance of their role in raising our children. It is significant because mother’s – both good and bad – make a difference in the lives of their children.
Her Affect on Her Children NOTE: Everyone must be responsible for their own actions. Clearly, her parenting (like a father) influences the character of her children.
Her Influence Hephzibah: Manasseh’s mother. 2 Ki. 21 –Her son became king when he was 12. –Undoubtedly, parenting Manasseh at home during his formative years would shape – at the least – his initial leadership as king. V. 1-2 –NOTE: She might have relinquished her responsibility of parenting to her servants…but she is still responsible for the raising of her son.
Her Own Behavior If Mephzibah’s “poor parenting” seems a bit harsh, Athaliah (daughter of Ahab/Jezebel and mother of Ahaziah) had an undeniable direct affect on her son to do evil. 2 Chron. 22:2-3, 10
Her Decisions Many Moms can be misunderstood and even “judged” by others… but their love for the Lord and children can make for GREAT decisions that affect her children’s lives. Such was the case of Hannah – who decided to give her son to the Lord. 1 Sam. 1:20-22
When Mothers Fulfill Their God-Given Role Listen to them. Prov. 1:8 Honor and Praise them. Prov. 31:28, 30 Ultimately, give glory and thanksgiving to God for them!