Stockman’s Practice Info Breeds
Angus Originated in Aberdeen Scotland #1 Breed (by total numbers) in the US Good Mothers Good Muscle Good Marbling Good Carcass Traits
Hereford Originated in England Excellent Range Cattle Very Hardy
Shorthorn Originated in England Dual Purpose Breed –Milk –Meat Comes in three colors –Roan, Red, White
Charolais Originated in France Large Framed Cattle Heavy Muscled High Growth Rate
Simmental Originated in Switzerland Dual Purpose Breed –Milk –Meat Great Milk Production Good Mothers Large Frame Good Growth Rate
Tarantaise Originated in France Dual Purpose Breed –Milk –Meat Excellent Milk Production Good Mothers Excellent Growth Rate Good Muscling Black Points –nose, tail, around eyes, hooves
Gelbveih Originated in Bavaria (Germany) Excellent Fertility Good Mothers Good Milk Good Growth Rate
Limousin Originated in France Heavy Muscled –hindquarters Excellent Growth Excellent Rate of Gain O.K Mothers O.K Milking Ability
Red Angus Originated in England Same Traits as Angus Good Mothers Good Milk Good Meat Good Marbling
Brahman Originated in India (Bos Indicus) - Zebu Cattle Insect & Disease Resistant Heat Tolerant Very Lean Carcass Widely used in the Southern U.S.
Beefmaster Developed in Texas by crossbreeding –Brahman –Hereford –Shorthorn Selected to produce BEEF Productive cows on harsh range conditions
Santa Gertrudis Developed by the King Ranch in Texas –5/8 Shorthorn –3/8 Brahman Heat Tolerant Easy Calving Good Milking Good Weight Gains
Brangus Developed in the Southern U.S. by crossbreeding –5/8 Angus –3/8 Brahman Good carcass traits of the Angus breed + heat tolerance, disease and insect resistance and hardiness of the Brahman breed
Longhorn 100% American Very Hardy Very Adaptable to Range Conditions Calving Ease High Fertility Disease Resistant
Corriente Spanish Cattle Very Hardy Rodeo Cattle
Chianina Originated in Italy Used as a Draft Animal Very Large Frame Very Long Legs Heavy Muscled Blacks Points –Nose –Tail –Around Eyes –Hooves
Maine-Anjou Originated in France Dual Purpose Heavy Muscled Good Milk Used in Crossbreeding for Show Steers
Salers Originated in France Dual Purpose Heavy Muscled Good Milk Dark Red Color
Pinzgauer Originated in Bavaria White Markings on –tail –tail head & back –underside Good Mother Good Milk Adaptable Disease Resistant
Highland Originated in Scotland Very Hardy Easy Keepers Horned Long Hair
Belted Galloway Originated in England Heavy Milkers Black with White Belt
Berkshire Came from England Good Meat Quality
Duroc Developed in the Corn Belt of the U.S. Fast Growing Good Meat Quality Heavy Muscled & Lean
Hampshire Originated in England Fast Growing Muscular Good Meat Quality Hardiness & Vigor
Landrace Came from Denmark Very large, floppy ears –cover face Milk Production Large Litters
Yorkshire Originated in England “The Mother Breed” Durable #1 Breed in the U.S. Produces, lean, high-performing pigs
Chester White Developed in Chester County, Pennsylvania Good Mothers Large Litters Low Growth Rate Poor Carcass Traits
Spots Developed in Ohio –Descendants of the Poland China Hogs Black & White “Spots” Droopy Ears Known for –Feed Efficiency –Rate of Gain –Carcass quality
Poland China Developed in U.S Excellent Rate of Gain
Dorset Originated in England Dual Purpose Good Carcass Quality Good Mothering Good Fleece Quality –free from dark fibers Will breed “out of season”
Hampshire Originated in England Feed efficiency –converts forages into Meat & Fiber Rapid growth rate Black face w/Wool Cap Black Legs
Rambouillet Originated in France Dual Purpose Very Hardy Large Frame Superior Wool Quality Will breed out of season Loose folds of skin
Suffolk Originated in England Large Frame Fast Growing Good Carcass Traits Black Head Large Black, Bell-Shaped Ears Black Legs
Columbia Developed by the USDA –Lincoln x Rambouillet VERY Large Frame Excellent Range Sheep Good fleece production Produces heavy lambs
Merino Originated in Australia #1 Breed in Australia Excels in Wool Production Excellent Fleece Quality Many Different Types of Merino Sheep
Border Leicester Originated in England –Brought to U.S. by George Washington Long, lustrous wool Pink skin
Finnsheep Originated in Finland Very Hardy Range Sheep Very Prolific –many babies Good Mothering Good Fleece Quality “Toothpick legs”
Chevoit Originated in England Hardy Easy Lambing Good Mothers Long, dense wool Pricked Ears Black muzzle & feet Wool free face
Jacob Originated in England Excellent fleece Easy lambing Double horns White(60%) & Brown(40%) “Unimproved Species”
Lincoln Originated in England “Worlds Largest Breed of Sheep” Large, lean & well muscled Good range sheep Fleece is in heavy locks of wool
Corriedale Originated in New Zealand & Australia Dual Purpose Large Frame Good Carcass Quality High Fleece Yield ** Takes a lot of feed to maintain this breed**
Shropshire Originated in England Dual Purpose Large, Growthy Sheep Good Wool Production Wool from Head to Tail –will have wool on face Black Head & Legs
Southdown Originated in England Mousy Gray - Brown Face Wool on the Face Easy Lambing Fast Growing, Meaty Lambs
Romanov Originated in Russia Very Early Maturing –3 months of age Large Litter –4,5,6,.kids. Will breed all year long Black Head Black Legs Grayish Fleece
Tunis American Breed Red/Tan Face & Legs Fatten Easily Used in East Coast Ethnic Markets Good Mothers Prolific Disease Resistant
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